But, honestly, I'm in favor of a reboot. In my opinion, it was my fault for putting together a lousy universe that my players made something actually decent out of. The premise and important info was really a bunch of random, untested ideas thrown together to make a sort-of universe. An unbreakable pact forged by angels? *sigh* The reboot will be more thought through. Half-assed plot hooks will be replaced with feasible mini-plots. A great endgoal will be in store for the characters... but it is character driven. They can decide if they want to or not. Also, the universe will be slightly altered to include improved aspects of the world of Daiar. Everything will be thought through before posting. (Really, I have no idea what I was on when I started the gnoll attack.) If anyone thought it was good.... the intended effect wasn't so. I'm also hoping it will bring more old members back and newcomers galore. Instead of beeing a free-for-all sandbox, one of the most significant improvements will be a more constructed universe. Y'know, population statistics, a colorful history, relations with other countries, more information on other countries, etc, etc. That way, characters will have more 'feasible' situations that they can include in character backstories. I'm going to be posting an improved premise later, if you guys aren't convinced. Note: I [i]am[/i] still waiting for one of the GMs' opinions before I do anything.