Kyo continued down the mountain, completely lost by this point and still looking for Dante. [i]I'll show you anxiety, you...did you really think you could just pull a stupid stunt like that?[/i] He could hear Nightmare cackling in the back of his head, but he tried to ignore it. The demon seemed to find it funny when he got like this, though truthfully, it had only happened one over time since he had been possessed by it. He actually wasn't used to getting this angry. It would probably tire him out eventually. Hopefully, not before he found some sense of direction again. Where in the world was he? He couldn't tell in all this dark! Letting out another silent huff, he slowed down for a moment. As far as he could tell, which wasn't far, he had gotten pretty far away from the castle at this point. It wasn't even visible from his location. The fact that he hadn't seen the direction that Dante had wandered off in either meant that there was probably a very high chance that he had gone in a completely different direction, too. Great! And what about Katherin? He didn't have a lead on her whereabouts, either! Taking a deep breath, Kyo lowered the heavy object in his hand. He had completely forgotten what it was by now or why he had it, but he couldn't very well leave it now. Besides, it might come in handy as he continued getting lost out here.