"If you wanna keep talking shit, maybe you should start talking from your ass." Collin said as Orren and Per left the room. He finished the last of his coffee and dropped it off at the sink without washing it. "If anybody needs me, I'll be in my room." Collin said as he left the kitchen. He stopped outside of the room and took another cigarette out of his pocket, placed it in his mouth and lit it. He then proceeded to walk back to his room. leaving the scent of tobacco smoke behind him. Once he got back to his room, he dropped on his bed but found that he couldn't sleep anymore. He sat up straight and grabbed the remote to his small t.v besides him. He opened it up and switched it to the sports channel. He watched the rerun of the game he missed last night when he was out on his vigilante missions. He then searched under his bed for a treasure he's been hiding for some time now. He reached for a bottle of whiskey and pulled out. He opened the cap and took a sip. "Perfect." He stated to himself. He spent the next two hours and a half watching the game and drinking, or rather chugging down, his whiskey. About half way through, he ran out and took out another bottle from his closet. By the end of the game Collin was fast asleep while still in his full costume, two large, empty bottles of whiskey by his bedside, he's television still open and his door wide open.