It wasn't long before I found the vehicles I needed. Two trucks with removable trailer hitches. Even better! One of them was filled with some pretty flexible baseboards for some house renovation or another. Unhitching them and dragging them both into the middle of the road so the were facing away from eachother must've took fifteen minutes, they were so damned heavy. But I got them where I needed them, and used the hitch pin from one to attach the two hitches together, making one, completely a pain in the ass to push, double sized cart. Breaking into a nearby house, I found a hammer and some nails, as well as some Jack's Beef Jerky. Munching away at it, I nail eight of the baseboards to the ends sticking straight up, and discard the rest, as they'll make poor building material anyways and aren't worth weighting down the cart with. Afterwards I notched the top of each of the boards twice and, taking eight of those once seemingly ridiculous survival rope wrist bands out of my bag, I untie them, and noose them tightly onto the notches i made. Then, grabbing the middle of a rope, I hopped off the make-shift cart, letting gravity bend the baseboard down, and wrapping the cord around the axle tightly, Taking a brick from a nearby lawn, I use it to wedge the tire in place. I then repeat this process with the other eight baseboards, four to each axle. Then one by one I remove the brick stops. After the the second one is removed, my handmade, self propelled cart starts rolling over the other two. Quickly I hop in, and the tension in the cords from the bent baseboards rolls the cart along towards the town hall. When the tension runs out I grab the middle of the cords and wind them again. When I need to turn the cart a little I grab one of the cords to prevent the tension release, causing one tire to have propulsion without the other. Of course this is all killer on the tires, but... as much as there is a lack of working vehicles, there are still plenty of tires to steal, so I'm not too concerned about it. And back I drive to the town hall. I know I'm being a bit of a show off, but I cannot wait to see the look on their faces when they see this...