I read your title stating that this forum is always open, so id like to ask for an invite (without applying for it, because that would break a rule.) and could promise a CS up if I get invited (accepted). I couldnt help but notice that the teachers are vastly putnumbered (which is always fun) and would like to fill at least A spot. I can give you an idea for the 3 characters id like to apply with. ------ An 12 year old boy who can control blood, and comes from a tribal vackground, leading him to believe his strength is not his own, but truly that of a wrathfull demon god, who lives in the center of the planet and wants to eat him to reclaim his power. He would be very overly friendly, and poorly educated. ------ Another religious fellow, more specificly, an anti religious Little necromancer. They would have been exiled from their home for their practices, and flocked to the island in hopes to further their practices. Nothing about then would be TOO evil. After all, they only practice necromancy to try and bring their poor mother back. This 18 year old orphan has mommie issues, and nice hair. ------ The older brother of the first bloodweiver mentioned. He is the brain of the relationship and despizes his idiotic younger brother enough to attempt at their head every once in a while. He is a cold shoulder "Im too badass to talk to anybody" type, who happens to control blood, and etheral energies! Break past his tough exterior, and you will find thorns. Warming up on him is totally pointless. Just ask his father! 32 years after this kid was born, he killed his father, for hugging him without permission at a family feast! -------- Id pribably dump more short term characters into this, or replace a character if they die. Likely, id main with the 12 year old, and the character "Mutt" from my character dump (in sig) whom id modify to meet your criteria. My only question is, do i need pictures for these characters? Im fine drawing them, just i have to find time first. Oh, and whats your take on spelling/ grammar errors? Im on an old, virus fulled Iphone 4s, that occassionaly turns scentences into jambled nonscence, that i later go and edit back to a reasonable state. Thats where the word "reasonable" comes into play, because instead of running a spellcheck, ill type "(spellcheck)" after words, or "(is this the right way to say that?)". I guess what im trying to say is, i should NOT be in an advanced RP if a grammar Nazi will be joining me. On a seperate note, you should "Invite" me to post a character in your deposite, of whom i would then copy/paste into my character dump (in sig, to be filled with time.).