The delivery team would beat, kick and did what was necessary to fling those out of the truck. The bodies were dumped with no ceremony in the middle of the cluster of huts in a pile of changing humanity. These poor souls lost from all they had once known, several moved. Other screamed. Two were fighting. A good sign, they may prove themselves able to survive the first shift. It was excruciating and broke many, mentally and physically. Rufus stepped out of the jeep before the smaller vehicle followed the truck out. The gates were closed and secured, the towers manned and fully loaded with weapons that would take down any creature trying to climb the electrified fence. The change was like being on powerful narcotics at first, the pain and disorientation silenced anything else from the environment for nearly five minutes. He had seen puppies climbing and were shot to ribbons and fried before they realized they were dying. Rufus had to fight the sheer terror that snapped through him when the gates closed, the sound was like a bullet through his mind. He looked up at the sky breathing, his terror igniting his rage clawing for freedom. Rufus kept breathing deeply, his exhaustion from the night hunt kept him from reverting to the beast fully. Hunger growled overpowering his other emotional responses, he glanced at the pile of bodies before stepping to the brick fire pit. It had a heavy duty refrigerator that had been bent and abused next to it. Inside were powerful protein shakes to replenish the nutrients the changing body needed. He picked one from the shelf and let the door shut softly. Tearing off the lid he leaned against the rarely used fire pit and chugged the thick purple-gray liquid. In the sunlight, he didn't look any different than anyone else. Just an average dirty human in a pair of pants drinking a beverage. Only when the light caught his eyes just right would anyone notice the sliver sheen to his pupils. His gaze flipped from person to person waiting for any signs of potential. A male with spiked hair and dark clothing rolled to his side with a groan, his facial features pegged him about twenty at the most. He struggled to his feet and staggered holding his head. "Dude," he said with an irritating laugh. "You weren't kidding. That was an amazing high." The kid glanced around and rubbed the injection site on his thigh and winced. "Could have been a bit nicer 'bout it though." He moved toward Rufus and stopped short, everything about the man set him on edge. He ignored his gut feelings and went straight for the fridge. "Got any beer?" He opened it and frowned at the unbreakable bottles filled with unlabeled stuff. He took one and yanked out the cork. He turned and took a swallow, his nose wrinkled and he spit it out. "Gross." He walked a few steps toward the gate. "Why is there a fence? What is out there that we need to have a fence."