Rozalia's eyes followed Vincent as he left the room, hearing the sharp echo of the doors as they slammed shut behind him. She would have been nervous, had she not settled in with the remainder of the group so much - she felt she could trust at least some of them. Figuring that most of the group had finished with introductions - clearly some didn't want to speak - she stood up with a stretch, gathering her things in a still soggy bundle in her arms. Hopefully the armour would be dry by morning. Taking one last survey at her new fellows, she silently hoped that she wouldn't be seen as some sort of burden in their journey to end Alduin. Roze knew she wasn't the strongest, or the most skilled, but she just knew in her heart that she could help. Not that she'd allow anyone to tell her otherwise, that is. "I'll see you guys in the morning then." She said as she walked towards the entrance of the room, hoping she could find a bed near one of the flickering braziers. "Maybe we should vote for a team leader or something over breakfast? Gotta have someone in the group giving orders." She added with a smile, then left the others with that thought. She was unsure who she'd be voting for - it seemed most people had plenty of skills of leadership. Haserus obviously had plenty of experience - but she doubted many would want to follow him, let alone vote for him. Rawlith and Dreet-na seemed like likely candidates for the job, although she wondered if either would take it. Niko appeared to be fairly level-headed and diplomatic; maybe she'd vote for him... Leo ignored most of the conversation that had followed his introduction as fatigue began to creep up on him. He and Niko had been travelling pretty much non-stop from Markarth, so it was fair to say he was looking forward to a proper nights sleep. He attention was grabbed, however, as the young breton girl left the room, and he sprang to his feet as she passed through the doorway. "I think I'll follow suit. I imagine our Blade friend will have us up at around dawn for the journey, so we'll need all the sleep we can get." He said, then paused, thinking on the mention of a leader. He only had to glance at his cousin to make his mind up. Rozalia had brought up a good point - they would need a true leader; Arngeir and Delphine wouldn't be good enough. It needed to be one of the group.