Blink had been unable to remove the AS vest in time to stop the Patriarch from firing his gun at Ace, watching her get hit out of the corner of his eye with the vest over his head. Needless to say, it pissed him off, and he dropped the vest at his side. He witnessed Mime taking care of the unfortunate ones, and made as if to go after the old man when he was distracted. Unfortunately, the Patriarch had other ideas and Blink instinctively ducked when the old man swung his gun around. The mutations that had just came back once again left Blink as the AS field was turned back on, the back and forth transformations unsettling him. The Patriarch took off toward the only exit, and since Blink didn't have his power, he picked up the vest and threw it at the old man in an effort to knock him down to the floor and hopefully make him lose the gun. The man wasn't paying any attention behind him when he fired of a few shots, so they hit nothing, and Blink took off running after him in the hopes that the vest would reach and do its new job. If it worked, he would pin the Patriarch to the ground, snap his shooting arm, and proceed to knock him out with a few quick blows to the head.