I really hate to do this, but I just don't think I can keep going with the Rp right now. Rping has always been a form of escapism that also kept me writing, but I was always at least content with my life when I Rp and I've honestly never been more discontent than right now. I'm not a particularly emotional person, but 2 weeks ago I had something that I could only describe as being some sort of panic attack and had to get my mom to take me to the hospital because I've never felt that way before, so I thought something was seriously wrong. Hospital concluded I was fine and it hasn't happened since, but there's still this lingering anxiety that's making it hard to sleep and do much of anything. Most of the things I do during my free time like my blog and writing fiction have come to a stand still. I could say nothing more than I am stressed and can't go on with the Rp right now, but I'm partly venting, to be honest. My hospital visit is known to no one except my immediate family because admitting that I felt that level of anxiety to people who generally know me as being calm and level headed is weird and to some degree embarrassing. But I've also been Rping a while, Gmed a lot and this Rp was supposed to be a return from a 2 year hiatus, where I had grown exhausted with putting so much energy into a plot that would last a week or two before dying. This is easily my craziest Rp idea, but more posts and time has gone into this one than anything I've ever Gmed, so it means a lot and I feel bad having to step away with all these ideas still in my head. You guys are the most dedicated group of Rpers I've ever Rped with, so I would love to join you guys maybe a couple months down the line where somebody else is Gm. I don't think I'd ever have the energy to Gm again, but I've said I won't Rp again more than once and have been wrong everytime, so I won't say that, but I do need a long break. If anyone wants to keep in touch I'll be more than happy to Pm my Skype. Thanks again and you're welcome to go on without me. I'll be happy to provide some of the ideas I had in mind to whoever wants to Gm.