My CS; Name: Thomas Macker Age: 28 Gender: Male Weapons: Does high intelligence count as a weapon? Because if not, just a glock. Appearance: [hider=Picture][img=][/hider] Thomas is 6 foot 1 inch, with a slightly athletic build, and brown hair, with a short beard. He generally wears a suit, black, with the collar undone, or with a bow tie, but more commonly the former. He wears silver cuff links with the initials TM on them. He always will be wearing a pair of sunglasses, and if he needs to touch other people, will wear black leather gloves. Personality: Thomas tries his hardest to get what he wants. He will fight for a cause he deems worthy, even if it goes against the norm. Due to his high intelligence, Thomas will often think that he is better than everybody else. This can sometimes get him into fights. Due to his powers, he tries not to let himself get into any romantic relationships, but this can fail. Bio: Thomas' powers did not develop until he was around 16, growing up in the outskirts of London. Usually seeing it more a curse than a blessing, he began to lose contact with his friends, figuratively, and literally. Firstly, Thomas has high intelligence, which he has had since with a very young age. His first "supernatural" power, is that he sees the thoughts of anyone that he looks into the eyes of. Due to this, he wears sunglasses to stop it. His other power, is that anyone he touches becomes 'mentally linked' with him, until he lets go. This means that he can delve deeper into their minds, however, they have the opportunity to look into his, but they hardly ever do, they usually do not know what is happen, and some don't even realise. When his powers started developing, he began to become more introverted, not wanting to scare people by knowing their thoughts. When he was 21, he had a girlfriend, but fell, and touched her, and learnt about another relationship behind his back. She swore it was a one night stand, but Thomas didn't know if he could trust her or not, and hasn't had a romantic relationship since. At 24, he helped solve a murder case when his sunglasses fell off, and he looked into the eyes of the unknown murderer by accident. He then decided to move to the US, to New Horn City, where he could help people with his powers, and finally find a good use for them.