[center][img]http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj306/Carnage27/Kingdom_Come_Superman_Banner_by_Erik_Lehnsherr_zps6f10f35a.jpg[/img][/center] The enemy Kryptonian's heat vision blasted Clark in the chest, sending him spiralling back into the Metropolis skies. He righted himself, turning back towards LexCorp and reading himself for the Kryptonian's charge. He had no idea where this one came from. Superman was sure he had sent all of Zod's forces back to the Phantom Zone with the help of the League and the Lantern Corps. On top of that, even if this was one of Zod's men, he had been quiet for over a year. That was not the MO of the Kryptonian Army. Unless of course he was searching for something to open the Phantom Zone yet again and thought Luthor had it. Whatever the reason this Kryptonian emerged, Clark had to get him out of the city before he did more damage. When his enemy emerged from the sky scraper, Superman intercepted him and drug him out towards the ocean. Clark knew what kind of damage his people could do inside a populated area, so getting this one out of Metropolis was his primary goal. Once they were over the water, the other Kryptonian managed to free himself and spiked Clark towards the water. Superman hit the water with force, creating a huge splash. Clark sunk down to a great depth as the salt water closed around him. Regaining his bearings, and with a might stroke of his arms, Superman shoots himself back out of the water and into the air. He spotted his opponent and rocketed towards him. They collided in midair, causing a sonic boom to ripple around them. "What do you want?" Superman snarled as he struggled with the other alien. His enemy returned his gaze with a steely intensity with a hint of insanity. Whoever he was, he was deranged. "I am here to seize my destiny," he seethed as his eyes began to glow red. "But you are not the one to take it from." Clark reacted quickly, letting loose with his own heat vision. The beams met, causing an explosion. Superman tumbled wildly through the air before regaining his balance. By the time he did that, however, the other Kryptonian seems to have disappeared. Sighing, Clark opened his communicator to the Watchtower, "J'onn." "I'm here, Superman," the voice of the Martian Manhunter responded. He had been living on the Kryptonian ship that was now stuck in orbit around the Earth. He and the ship's artificial intelligence BRAINIAC were monitoring the station and setting it up as a non-weaponized liveable space for the Justice League. Clark wanted the station to be a response center for if the league ever expanded. "Seems like you just had a bit of a tussle." "It was a Kryptonian," Clark responded, still annoyed. "Get the Watchtower ready. I'm on my way."