glad to see some interest. XD The whole idea of this RP is that there is a main mission you'll be on for the duration of the RP. The team have survived countless life threatening missions before, but suddenly an ancient power that you accidentally released while on a mission starts its campaign to universal domination. So it's up to the team to stop it. The Characters you make won't restricted in the slightest, in this reality demons and angels had their massive war and almost destroyed themselves, they are rare but you can play as them. Any other race you wish to make up yourselves will be more then okay to do. So basically what im saying is go nuts with your character. Each character must have a main set of weapons, like swords, guns or even magic. And each character is allowed up to 3 powers of their choosing, you just cant be the over mega lord who has the ability to destroy planets with the flick of his finger. So if theres anything more than you would like to know just ask and if we get at least one more ill make the OOC and you can start your CS