Hello there! Im a girl, age 21, and id like to express interest in being roleplay partners! I also prefer writing at the casual level so 3-5 paragraphs is my norm. Ive been roleplaying for a long time, geez i dont even know how long, but I totally love it. I really get into it when the story is good, and the idea to shape one with someone else sounds totally cool. This would be my first time doing 1x1 but im excited to try it out. Hmm, thats all i can think to say. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Hope to hear from you soon. So there are a few that have caught my interest, even though many sound great. It was hard to choose my top 3 x.x [*]1.Mortician/Vampire (Id like to play as the vampire in this one if that's okay. ^^ This one is my favorie cuz i love vampire roleplays haha )[/*] [*]2.Female Demon/Demon Hunter[/*] [*]3.Ice Queen/Fire King or Kisame/Sakura (I was like CHAAAA!! *Sakura punches the wall* owie... q.q )[/*] edit: also i forgot to ask if you prefer anime or real life pictures for the characters. (i prefer anime) i love making a good character sheet ♥.♥