[b]Collab: Heat & Renny[/b] ----- “Lightsaber, a sword is what a civilian would call it, when it is so much more than that.” Kadan replied, his expression unchanging from one of slight annoyance at having to aid in training the boy, but it at least gave him something to do instead of sitting around, and he could actually see if the young one had any potential which Kadan could possibly use in the future. “Follow me, we must go somewhere to properly train.” He said, coming out of his seat, and heading out of the ship’s cockpit, nodding at Crusade as they crossed paths, Vera right near the Sith lord. Kadan and Naraal found an empty room, but a large one, a crate sat by the side, apparently locked. “Tell me, Naraal, how much do you truly know of the Force? Of the Sith, and the Jedi? Of lightsabers?” Kadan asked curiously, his eyes focused on the boy as he removed his robe, leaving him in his combat attire, his lightsaber drifting off his belt a moment later, the Sith snatching the curved hilt in his right hand, but not yet igniting the blade. Following the man was almost natural. Naraal had done it so much since meeting this coalition of Sith, that it was becoming more and more routine. Passing by the Source and Vera, he took the small moment to bow towards his new master before walking on. The question the man asked left him in a pause. He could had answered right away, with words that would show his ignorance, as many of the others had mentioned it to be, but he didn't necessarily want to be viewed that way forever. Somewhere, deep inside of him, he wanted to show improvement. To show progress. As he dropped his cloak on the floor; he spoke. “I know enough, I think. The Sith and Jedi are opposing forces, they are our enemies. The force is everywhere and inside everything,” He mention knowingly, his hand rubbing the back of his pale neck. “And well... I know very little about lightsabers. But this is why I have you right?” “That is a very basic view, but not wrong. It’s not my responsibility to teach you that though, that is for your master. I just had to satisfy my curiosity,” Kadan replied, a grin flashing across his face as he moved towards the crate, popping it open and pulling out what appeared to be a lightsaber hilt. “You are quite lucky to have me, if I do say so myself. If there’s one area I truly excel, it is with a lightsaber.” He then tossed the object he removed from the crate towards Naraal. “That is a training saber, if it strikes part of your or I’s body, then it will not inflict any damage beyond a burn or scratch. But, the first rule of lightsaber combat is to not get hit.” He paused, igniting his weapon, the red blade flashing out. Then spoke once more. “Try to take me down, I will not strike back, just parry your blows. I’ll start you off easy, and not even use one of my hands.” Kadan stated as he tucked his free hand behind his back, then got into a defensive stance, awaiting Naraal’s first move with the training saber, a slight grin appearing on his face. “Try fighting the way it seems natural to you.” He added. His hand stretched out awkwardly to catch the hilt, its cold form fumbling in his grasp as he weighed it. It was weird, strange even to look at a bladeless weapon. He played with the notches before accidentally igniting the practice saber. Surprise struck at the weightlessness. “How do you even swing this around? its… basically spaceless, one could cut their arm off.” His thoughts, spoken aloud, was halted when he looked up to see Kadan in a formal stance. It was the picture of experience, the form of a master. His eyes tremored at the pious Sith, with all his fearful imagery, he was still divine in this particular form. Even so, he would not back down. If fighting this man meant evolving, becoming something more than a generic Sith, then he would. Taking the man’s final words into consideration, he slowly let his body move. One his legs braced itself, while the arm holding the blade stretched out to his side, both tense and shaky. He didn’t want to show embarrass himself but how else was one to become better. A grunt left him as he dashed forwards, his blade swinging from his left arm to strike at the man’s wrist. [i]Disarmament, the quickest way to end a opponent,[/i] He thought to himself. Kadan watched the boy carefully, taking into account what he guessed were going through the young one’s head, similar thoughts that Kadan himself had when he was even younger than the boy, back when he was with the Jedi. As Naraal charged forward, the Sith adjusted just enough to counter the strike, smacking his lightsaber against his opponent’s, the force of the movement causing them to move away from each other. “Not bad, but not near where you will want to be. A lightsaber is unlike anything else in the galaxy, weightless in the most graceful sense. Only those attuned with the Force are able to use one, a normal being would end up gutting themselves if they even tried to swing it. It would feel unnatural to them in every sense,” Kadan stated, once again readying himself for another strike from Naraal. “But it does not feel like that to I, or Crusade, or anyone with an understanding of the Force. You will get there too, with the proper training.” He said, then with a few open fingers motioned for the boy to attack him. “Training? the Force?… it all seems like a system. If that’s true then how do you unlock it all?” The question was less than that, more of an inner monologue. Confusing even himself by the questions lurking beneath the surface. Tightening his grip on hilt, he pulled it back and struck out towards the man’s crimson blade. It was idiotic. The man was obviously his better in strength, form, and speed. A direct clash was out of the question. He probably would had known better if the Source hadn’t blocked the Dark Side within him. Now though, he was running on emotion. The exact thing that the Source, Suade, and indirectly, Vera had rebuked. Why was this? why was emotions running through his veins undeterred, like lava. It bubbled up all the time. “By learning, watching, not just from your master, but others, sometimes even the enemy. No one man became a Master or Sith lord in a day.” Kadan replied, parrying the straight forward strike perfectly, then the Sith took a step backwards, creating space. “Combat is the most primal feeling in the galaxy. You must use your emotional core to your strength. Draw power from your past experiences, your pain, sadness, grief. Find the perfect point where you can overwhelm an opponent.” Kadan said, his eyes lighting up with the passion of what he was speaking. “Tell me, young one, how would you strike down a lightsaber weilding opponent? With well placed strikes and parries? Overwhelming fury? A beautiful combination of it all where the Force guides you?” Kadan inquired, once again readying himself for Naraal. “Do not stop after the first swing this time. Keep at it, [i]try[/i] to defeat me.” He said, adding emphasis on Naraal to use his full strength at the Sith. Shoulder raising and chest heaving, all he had was his inner anger. The Dark Side was out of his grasp, far reach. What powers could he possibly draw from. The fact that he was not burning his skin left and right was a miracle in itself. He gathered the sadness, anger, and umbrage of betrayal into the muscles lining his arms. This emotions that fueled him would had been put to better use if he had Force, but he didn’t. So it would be the most primal and animistic display he could conjur. Furrowing his brows, the youth’s hand tightened around his hilt until his knuckles were white. “If I had to choose, I would choose a overwhelming combination of furious strikes and parries guided by the Dark Side itself!” He sprinted back at him again, the lightsaber blade held out to his side to keep from burning himself again. As he drew closer, he found the blade slamming down against the man with the might in his arm. His silver eyes dancing around the man’s form for hints of attack. A flurry of swings that partly sizzled his robes and partly swung at Kadan’s own body. He motioned sidesteps around the man to spot some unguarded area, the whole while attempting to find a weak spot with quick strikes. [i]I want to win! I want to become something more![/i] A smile appeared on Kadan’s face as he watched Naraal move, actually trying to beat the Sith down, even going for any weak spots. The boy was still weak, so Kadan was able to repel the strikes, but this time he actually needed to put some effort into the parries. “Much better, young one. Your swings are brutal and driven, and your mind is conjuring ways to locate weak points. With the proper form teachings you could already be somebody to be reckoned with, attuning you with the Force could only make you even more deadlier.” “Soon you will need to construct your own weapon, then it is up for your new master to train you in ways behind lightsaber combat.” Kadan stated, pushing the boy back with a motion of his free hand which was tucked behind his back, creating a large gap between them. “Vera should be most impressed. Now put the training saber back and we shall end your training with me for the moment. Do not want to expend too much energy as we do have a mission we’re on the way to.” Kadan added, turning off his lightsaber and reclipping it to his belt. His frustration had grown to the point that the push had almost not been enough. Naraal tensed his jaw in his attempt to calm himself. It seemed more than anything else, that control over one’s emotions were the key. The way Kadan spoke felt familiar. Something totally different from both of his Sith mentors. When he really thought about it, he reminded him of his father. The Jedi. [i]Weird, I actually felt something other than shame fighting with him,[/i] He murmured, walking over to place the hilt back away. [i]I hate[/i] this [i]feeling too. I guess don’t know what to feel anymore.[/i] Turning around, he bowed slightly in respect. “Thank you for the lesson. It was… fun,” he admitted, finally finding an outlet and probably a container for his anger. The Dark Side was a temporary vessel, he realized; now he could probably do so much more than just use it to numb his pain. Now he could cultivate it in different ways. “You said I could make my own one day? when do you think that’ll happen?” “That is up for Vera to decide, but it will happen, soon I might suspect.” Kadan replied, crossing his arms as he thought. “But it is a natural step in an apprentice’s life.” He stated Naraal nodded in acceptance. When he thought about it, all the major siths had those lightsabers. It was a symbol, it had to be. He wanted one himself. “How did you make yours? did it take a long time? its looks like it wouldnt but everything about being a Sith is complicated.” “It varies by the person. One must use the Force to create the lightsaber itself. This one did not take me that long to create itself as it is my second one. You will have a different time with yours, when your master deems you ready to build it.” Kadan said, moving to pick up his robes and place them back on over his battle attire. “Some master,” he said. “She doesn’t seem to be that strong. I’m not for sure but… its just a feeling.” he responded while picking up his cloak from the off the ground. Things may had been blocked by the Source’s power but he was still good at feeling out a person’s strength. “I shouldn’t speak ill of her teachings. You have barely begun with her, I’m sure she has much planned for you.” Kadan replied, then started towards the door to head back to the rest of the ship. Naraal didn’t respond. Kadan was right, he was sure of that but still, it just felt out of the ordinary. Following behind the man; he rubbed the nape of his neck, as he always did when he was uncomfortable. The training lightsaber was put back in its crate which was once again closed as both of them left the room. ------ "I taught the young one some things about how to fight like a Sith," Kadan said as he entered the bridge, finding Crusade and Vera. His voice calm and lacking of any emotions. "There may be some potential in him after all." The Sith added as he took a seat in the behind the others, waiting for them to fully depart and begin the mission.