"I hope you are prepared to die," the beautiful warrior said. Eddy shook his head slightly, mentally praying a thank-you for whatever perverted notion of 'honor' she had that made her decide dismounting was the proper action to take. Some samurai had very strange notions of fair play. Maybe Eddy could take advantage. "You'll pardon me, madam," he began, gesturing to his knee, "But some dishonorable [i]ronin[/i] hiding in the reeds yonder has managed to incapacitate me. If it's all the same to you, I'll be happy to submit; I'm not a worthy opponent in my current state." Eddy saw the two other mounted warriors peel off and pursue his bomb-carrying cohort....and winced. Even if they took him out, they were going to die quite instantaneous deaths the moment that bomb went off...which was going to be in about eight seconds now.