Name: Marcus Kingston Race: Human Age: 31 Sex: Male Skills: Skilled in various arts of magic including fire, ice, and healing Appearance: Marcus stands about 5' 10" he has brown hair, green eyes and a scar that runs across his cheeks over his nose. He wears the traditional guard armor which looks something like this: [hider=Armor][img][/img][/hider] History: Marcus was born to a high class family which is how he got his training in magic. Growing up other kids used to despise him and called him names. He grew up believing that being superior was bad. This drove him to train harder than the others. To prove that he was more than just some well off child. At the age of sixteen he decided that he was going to join the king's army. It was a job mostly held by those who were lower class as they had few options. The training was much easier than he had expected, yet most still struggled. He assumed this was because he had been training for a long time and strove to help the others.They accepted his help until word that he wasn't poor began to spread. Suddenly no one wanted him around. His captain began to pick on him and make him do extra training. Finally after three long grueling years, graduation day came around. Every student was given their post and a select few were given duty to protect the king himself. Marcus was chosen as one of them. Over the years he began to discover that protecting the king wasn't any work at all. The king never left the castle. In fact, he almost never left his chambers. Most had never even seen him. When news hit of the impending attack, everyone became on edge, but the king still never showed his face. Soon enough, Marcus' captain gave him a special assignment. Apparently the king had gone missing. Marcus was to round up some civilians under the guise of taking them to train as a makeshift backup force and look for him.