The girl didn't like attention, that was a fact. The forced smile gave away more than she probably would have wanted to. [i]Better luck next time, kid.[/i] The Asian was good looking, a bit too much bling for Thomas's taste. Thomas, who had already seen her from the back, wanted to check if the front was any good. Just as he was about to shift his pose the music got louder again and he instead shifted his weight to the other side. [i]Hah![/i], he thought, so he wasn't the only muscle in here. The troll that walked in was quiet and instantly obsessed with the card game. After a while he decided to take a seat and that was the end of it. The troll smelled of tabacco and let his gaze slide over the small crowd that had gathered in the backroom now. A while after the troll had taken his seat there was another in and than decrease in volume and a girl with a minimal hair and blue make-up walked in. Now that was a looker, Thom couldn't help but grin a bit, which was quickly interrupted by the sound of people leaving the room. To business then! Moustache invited the band over to the table. If they wanted something to drink, although Thomas wasn't completely against the idea of having another drink he decided not to. He had had a couple more of these meetings and, depending on what it was the group had to find, steal, frame, kill or whatever, meetings like this could take a while. "I'll have a coffee, thanks.", he said with no apparent expression. After everybody had their drinks mister Johnson gave them short introduction. The troll and he were the muscle behind the operation. The kid was awakened, which partly explained the business casual attire, but not the playboy attitude. Cannon fodder apparently was an experienced rigger and the girl who had entered lastly was also into technology. Johnson concluded by introducing the Asian girl as their face. With introductions out of the way the real fun started, the briefing. "I heard some rumors about a masked Elf rigger, I'm guessing you know the most about Koch-Huang because of their drones," Thomas started reaching for his pack of smokes, "Anybody mind?" and without waiting for a reaction he lit one. Sliding the pack and the lighter over to the Troll the samurai continued, "I think you used to do some enforcer work, same as me. And," Shifting his gaze again this time to the hacker, "I'm pretty sure you shot me down in bar at least once or twice before."