My really bad NS...its late here...I'm sorry.. Name of civilization: The Shan Empire Race: Shan Description of race: Tall humanoid between 6’5-6’10 in height with red skin ranging from red to almost black red with parietal eyes in varying colors. The facial structure is similar to humans with Fanged mouths and Slit noses being the only difference, omnivorous by nature. Capable of growing hair on their heads, but nowhere else. Highly disciplined in everything they do, the people are very no nonsense and make some of the most disciplined soldiers in the galaxy. Capable of seeing in the dark and smelling scents other races may not be able to smell. Despite the highly trained and disciplined mindset they just wish to be left alone and not war. Due to their volcanic worlds constant ash clouds blocking out the sun they require something to block out the sun. this comes in the form of a special contact lens for civilians and a special tactical goggles for the military. While the Shun can breath on most planets, due to their planets natural toxicity, breathing "breathable air" is comparable to be breathing in a low oxygen environment. To remedy this the government issues the Mark 12(think of a see through version of the lower part of a gas mask with a toxin filter that they screw in) designed to be compact and as nonthreatening as possible to all Shun going off world and the Mark 18 Military Re-breather (a harder more durable design with a solid rubber base with armoring on the front. with running and hard breathing in mind.) Average lifespan of race:100-300 years Government of race: Imperial absolute monarchy Military description: Called “Das’cal ma sha” or the chosen ones Garbed in modular armor, the soldiers are some of the most highly disciplined forces in the galaxy. The training is harsh due to the volcanic nature of their home planet. Favoring The infantry, everything from artillery to bombers are used to cover infantry. In combat The Infantry are tough soldiers, who would fight to the last man then abandon their posts. Making up less then 2% active members [hider=Das’cal ma sha]The Chosen ones Garbed in modular armor with the Standard military paint of of the planet (Red strip on Ash grey) with the Tactical helmet consisting of a rebreather (due to the Toxic nature of the planet)and Black goggles to shield their eyes from most worlds, with tactical,map,and ammo counters linked to the goggles and helmet radios Relying Infantry and ground superiority consisting of 75% of the Shun Military [/hider] [hider=The Navy]Considered inferior to the Army of the Assault corps The navy is responsible for making sure the infantry get from planet A to planet B. Consisting of out of date(by galactic standards) the Navy uses Hard hitting weapons but for a cost of speed and armor. While the Shield are comparable to modern vessels, The doctrine of the navy is to make a beach head for the infantry,support ground forces, and protect themselves. For space battles The Shun use Stationary orbital platforms [/hider] [hider=Assault Corps]The Highest of the high The Assault corps are the first boots on the ground.Trained under even harsher conditions then the army, they represent the best Males and females the shun have to offer. Granted the best weapons, the best armor, and often using brute force,Surprise,and tactical freedom. Facing a wave of Assault legionaries would break all but the bravest, or the stupidest. [/hider] Important people/Ranks: Emperor Shita von la’isha Religion: The religion based off the Fire mother. A harsh concept that only the strong deserve to survive Import: luxury items, Fruits, vegetables, entertainment, varies meats, Dairy products, sweets, Export: Vol’tec Arms company( high quality arms and armor and sold mainly to Shun), Shun state arms(cheap, and often used by mercs starting out) Mercenaries, Shala milk (basically their version of milk) Description of your society and race: The Shan people are tough, due to their hostile planet. In their religion only the strong survive so each time there is a child it is tested for flaws, in minor cases are deemed unfit to serve in the highest of honor, the military. In the most major cases they are called “Howlshi” or the shunned. The shunned are considered unfit for any meaningful in society, while not disliked it is a given they have no place in Shun society. Many go into Shun state arms, a company that the government created “just give some use to the useless” Treaties: (what your galactic standing is) BOOM!