During the march, Gaelel made her way to their commander. Ottanosse trotted along almost happily as her owner attempted to get the attention of her commander. "Warlord, perhaps you should consider bringing me along to the war room next time. Humans and elves are much more...pliable when I am around. It might let us get more sway in exactly how we perform these jobs. It could even get us paid better. Exploiting sexual attraction is quite a powerful tool, indeed." She, unlike most of the orcs, was wearing only her chain armor under one of her more rugged dresses. She wore no boots and her hands sported her clawed gauntlets. This hadn't stopped her from taking down patrols and scouts as they marched. She even dragged one back alive as she extracted information that he may know the guard shift changes at the stronghold. Following the march, she suited up fully and informed the warlord that she was going to do some recon following interrogation of the prisoner. She dragged the man off into the forest and brought Ottanosse along with her. At first, the man was quite resistant. Gaelel gave him an offer of two endings: he gets eaten by Ottanosse or he tells her what he knows. Picking between assured death or possible death led the scout to divulge the shift changes for the night to her. She spent some time walking circles around him, sizing him up. He never saw her strike coming. She buried the claws of one gauntlet deep into his back and the other into his throat. He could only gurgle a muffled squeak as he died on the spot. Ottanosse got a meal and the spring child took up a position to watch the stronghold. Sure enough, the shift change came properly. They had a few hours till the next, so she returned to the group and reported the changes to Warlord Eyedrinker. "If we send in our stealthiest, we may be able to open a gate for a charge by our warriors. Or, we can do a frontal assault during shift change and have myself and a group flank them and open the gates in the confusion. Either sound appropriate?"