Caelyn accepted Mara's help willingly. She went to the back of the cabin and spoke in a soft voice. "I don' no if we can be trustin' Armond yet or no. But if this man is as bad as they are sayin', I'll be needin' to healthy. Might we do some of the healin' and figure out our plans?" Mara was way ahead of Caelyn and subtly pulling out the stones. She looked at Vera and back and Mara and added with a serious tone; "I think we should be givin' him a chance, he seems like he has laid out his whole hand. Plus I am knowin' our abilities as fighters. Jerus seems sincere too." She smiled warmly hoping to add to her assurance. She felt the breeze of the healing brush over her body and it totally relaxed her. She felt like she got to open her button on her pants after a full meal.