[b] Lucina [/b] As Kast flipped some switched and brought the freighter to life, Lucina busied herself with inputting the coordinates to Coruscant, She finished as the ship broke through the atmosphere. Looking out the view port she saw the destruction of the republic fleet, and she frowned. She would of been unable to help them of course even if she had been in orbit, but the thought of being trapped in a steel coffin and being pulled into vacuum of space did not ease her fears of the rust bucket that she rode in now, at least their ships had been better built. It took a lot to tear herself away from the look of carnage outside and she feared sadness filled her voice as she spoke. "We are good to go, Mandalorian." She told Kast, giving him a polite nod as she seemingly busied herself with the navigation instruments, but she wasn't doing anything with them just trying to look away. ----------- [b] Vera [/b] Vera was about to snap at the boy and send him off on some pointless errand about the ship when Lord Crusade entered. He spoke very briefly just telling her that they were ready to leave when she was. "Y-yes m'lord." She said falling into the pilots seat and tinkering with the controls, soon enough the frighter was up and out of the hangar entering the void of space. Looking back at lord Crusade she opened her mouth like she was going to ask him a question and then Kadan entered and spoke of the apprentice. "I think he won't last long in the pack, he seems to eager to rise quickly. Which means his master is more than likely to kill him when he decides to strike." She said swiveling her chair around and looking at both Crusade and Kadan. "I appreciate you teaching him though, and i feel like i am going to need your help more often than not to teach him the ways of the blade, and other things." She said her voice trailing off as she kept looking to Lord Crusade, almost like she was looking to him for what to say, or if she said something wrong he'd hurt her. "But i think with a little bit of effort he could make a fine killer." With that said she swiveled back so she could focus on piloting.