[quote=mdk] The character I'm envisioning would probably be one of those ludicrously-young knights who really shouldn't be taking on any real authority yet, because his experiences are all academic and (essentially) religious. Like an Army officer who just got out of the Academy and suddenly thinks he's more expert than the 20-year sergeant. That's kinda the angle I'm going for. [/quote] Even experienced Jedi are still dealing with what amounts to law enforcement rather than military operations-- at least, these Jedi, since none of them are veterans of the war against Exar Kun. So I definitely see the Jedi being pretty raw and some of them rather hardheaded about how things get done in a way that clashes with operational realities. [quote=Renny] Or the CS? I would love to be able to start on it. I have this idea that needs to be structured. [/quote] On its way. Give me about fifteen minutes and I'll have all the links.