[center]<[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/71672/posts/ooc]OOC[/url]> <[url=http://widget02.mibbit.com/?settings=c2129339a43d8c49d86c34fa8dff7610&server=irc.foonetic.net&channel=%23Roleplayerguild]Chat[/url]> [IMG]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100612011126/starwars/images/thumb/1/12/MandalorianWars-Tmeline8.jpg/568px-MandalorianWars-Tmeline8.jpg[/IMG] [/center] [b]Instructions[/b]:[indent] - Using the [url=https://titanpad.com/Av7qlDMkST]provided template[/url], please create a character sheet. - Post only character sheets here. All other talk goes to the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/71672/posts/ooc]OOC[/url]. - Make sure to copy and paste the template into a word processor or whatever of your own. - Please put the character in hiders. - No Gungans.[/indent] [b]Requested Roles[/b]:[indent] - It's preferred that aliens be a large part of the contingent, rather than a lot of humans, because that way the characters have a wide diversity of abilities and outlooks. - Padawans - young Jedi students still in training that ran off to Revan's war -- the Jedi Knights have corralled a bunch of these runaways and assigned them masters on an ad-hoc basis. This is uncomfortable because the Revanchists are younger Jedi Knights who generally aren't ready for the role of teaching padawans, themselves just out of their own trials for the most part. - Military officers/NCO's - IRSOG veterans, experienced fighters that know their way around the war. They may well not be entirely pleased to see the Jedi, either. Notably, I would like to get at least one military officer character involved here. - Non-Warrior Jedi - All Jedi know how to use a lightsaber, but they just came out of peacetime, and so many Jedi might well be consulars, sentinels and various types of specialist as well as the warrior types. They have a diverse skillset, and this is a handy thing for the sort of things IRSOG winds up doing. For example, a research and data specialist that handled Jedi Archives might well easily translate their skill into becoming one hell of a slicer. Don't worry, they'll still get in plenty of fighting. - Droids - Remember that R2 and HK47 are always in some sort of trouble. If you prefer, you can make droids NPC's attached to your character. - Useful ideas can be found at [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/] which will function as our canon for this RP.[/indent] [b][u]Character Sheet[/b][/u] ([url=https://titanpad.com/Av7qlDMkST]Template Here[/url]) (This isn't meant insultingly, but please, no wall of text. Put spaces between paragraphs, try to format your character sheet for some sort of readability. I consider knowing how to space paragraphs part and parcel with Advanced RP. ;) Most of you won't have this issue.)[/I] [B]Name:[/B] [B]Species:[/B] (Important - consider a non-human.) [B]Age:[/B] (No more than 32 years old -- the character was not around when the last war happened) [B]Rank/Title: [/B](no higher than Jedi Knight -- No masters.) [B]Planet of Origin/Birth:[/B] [B]Force Sensitive Y/N:[/B] [B]Appearance:[/B][INDENT]Insert a physical description here; include how they dress. Pictures are acceptable, so long as they are Star Wars pictures rather than of actors you like. Illustrations/real actors, etc. But it has to be Star Wars.[/INDENT] [B]Skills/Abilities/Talents/Training:[/B][indent] - List here, most powerful first - - - - -[/indent] [B]Equipment:[/B][indent] - List here, most powerful first - - - - -[/indent] [B]Psych profile:[/B][INDENT] A psychological profile, something to work off of. It should relate to the character history and give insight to their motivations and why they're here.History:A personal history of the character -- enough to get a feel of where the character is coming from -- please don't say, "The history will come out in the RP." I want you to work on the history ahead of time so you have a better, clearer picture of how your character thinks and acts. You don't have to nail down every minute detail, just flesh out the important parts of the character's life, what shaped them into who they are.[/INDENT] [B]History:[/B][INDENT] How they got to this point, their background. Incidentally, Jedi are restricted in their combat experience; they have yet to face the Mandalorians or serve in this war. They have only the experience of law enforcement and the such as Jedi, their experience of combat is not necessarily useless, but they are new to strategy, logistics, the scope of it, the destruction. [/INDENT] [B]Relationships and Acquaintances:[/B][INDENT] How your character knows at least one or two other PC's. I want there to be some overlap between characters, so this is sort of how I am trying to prompt that. This would also be where you list subordinates, such as a squad under the character's command (if military) or droids in the character's possession.[/INDENT]