[b][u]Valin Rotor[/u][/b] [b]Appearance[/b] Valin stands tall at 6’02”, with a lean, yet muscular stature. He has light skin, turquoise eyes, and copper hair that trails behind him in a short ponytail. His typical public attire is dark in color, matching the coloration of his favorite monster, “Volspire Dragon”. This includes a long, sleeveless black jacket whose trim and inner layers are a dark red; a buttoned red shirt, without sleeves as his jacket; dark jeans and long boots; fingerless studded gauntlets; and a lanyard with a card sleeve containing “Volspire Dragon”. [b]Accessories[/b] His Duel Disk is the most modern model of Disk, custom designed to more closely resemble “Volspire Dragon”. It is highly similar to the previously state-of-the-art Leo Corporation Standard Disk, except more compact, and in place of the touchscreen, it instead projects a hologram which operates via touch. The playing field is a holographic bright red and is transparent, in stark contrast to the solid black field with a colored border projected by Leo Corporation’s disks. The [i]Maelstrom Wheel,[/i] Valin’s Duel Runner, is seven feet long, black and red like his attire, sleek, and winged. Yes, winged. A rather large set of wings protrude from just in front of his seat, approximately centered on the runner and a second set from just behind the headrest, giving it the capabilities of flight. It has a powerful engine, and is highly aerodynamic. In place of a front wheel is a gyroscopic sphere which allows for sharper, more accurate turns, while a double-set of wheels in the back propels the machine forward. His Duel Runner is non-hybrid, meaning the Duel Disk inside is not capable of being used apart from the Runner. However, aside from its circular base shape, it is nearly identical to the one he uses when not on his Runner. It has been proven that the [i]Maelstrom Wheel[/i] is the fastest Duel Runner on record, unmatched in top speed by anything yet seen. [b]Personality[/b] Valin is proud, arrogant, and any number of other synonyms that align with his position. Since his placement as King of Turbo Dueling, he has become highly spoiled. Typically, he does not help others unless there is some form of reward for himself. His self-centeredness has even spanned into his performances in public Duels, theatrically giving himself fancy titles that are in essence, meaningless, and claiming to “toy” with his opponents when they appear to give him a challenge. He is fueled by the applause of the crowd, being most joyous when his fans cheer him on. Quite frequently, he will compare Dueling to a food chain, claiming himself to be at the top. He is even ritualistic about his “superiority” and refuses to acknowledge a compliment if the source of that compliment has not “addressed him properly”. He has an obsession with powerful cards and Duelists alike, idolizing many previous Kings and their signature monsters. He also shows himself to be rather lazy, believing that a King should be “catered to by his servants”, and that the only thing he should have to lift a finger for is to Duel for the right to retain his title. [b]Biography[/b] As a young child, Valin was the son of two modest New Domino citizens, his father an underpaid Duel Runner mechanic and his mother a waitress. His memories of them are limited, however, as he was separated from them at the age of seven when they made a detour through the Rat’s Nest. For the next eleven years, Valin would live in the Rat’s Nest, shrouded in poverty and lonliness. Those years helped to strengthen him physically and emotionally, and during that time, he also honed his skills as a Duelist. Then, at eighteen, he met the King of Turbo Dueling at the time: Blade Takashi. He and Blade Dueled, the outcome ending in Blade’s favor, but the youth had impressed the King, and arrangements were made for Valin to have an apartment in Tops. From then on, Valin’s life was changed. He was paid generously for maintaining a Dueling contract, and for the next year, he would make a large name for himself in New Domino. Then, at nineteen, he was pitted once again against Blade Takashi, this time in a Title Duel. The Duel was fierce, and for a long time, it seemed neither would give in. Then, against all odds, Valin achieved victory over Blade. Gladly, the King relinquished his position and passed his title down to his friend. At the age of twenty-two, and with his third year as King, Valin has decided to make a spectacle of this year’s anniversary by hosting a tournament called the Satellite Circuit. This tournament would conclude with the most worthy challenger being allowed to face-off against Valin in a Title Duel. [hider=Turbo Deck] [b][u]Monsters:[/u][/b] [b]Blue-Flame Phoenix:[/b] [i](FIRE; Level 4; Winged Beast / Effect; ATK/1500; DEF/1300)[/i] [indent]During your Standby Phase, if you control no monsters: You can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. If you do: Its ATK and DEF are switched. You can only use this effect of "Blue-Flame Phoenix" once per Duel.[/indent] [b]D.D. Dracofang:[/b] [i](DARK; Level 4; Dragon / Effect; ATK/1800; DEF/100)[/i] [indent]While this card is banished, you can activate the following effect: During either player's turn: You can target 1 of your banished Dragon-Type monsters; Special Summon it. (This is a Quick Effect) Banish that monster during the End Phase. You can only use the effect of D.D. Dracofang once per turn.[/indent] [b]Wyvern Fury:[/b] [i](WIND; Level 4; Dragon / Effect; ATK/1500; DEF/100)[/i] [indent]This card can attack your opponent directly. If it does: Banish it until your next Standby Phase.[/indent] [b][u]Spells:[/u][/b] [b]Speed Spell - Broken Engine:[/b] [i](SPELL; Normal)[/i] [indent]Remove 2 Speed Counters. Target 1 face-down Spell/Trap card; it cannot be activated until the End Phase. If the target is destroyed before the End Phase: Inflict 1000 damage to both players.[/indent] [b]Speed World 3:[/b] [i](SPELL; Field)[/i] [indent]This card cannot be removed from the field. Except during the first turn of the Duel, place 1 Speed Counter on this card during each Standby Phase (max. 12). Spell Cards cannot be activated in the Spell and Trap Card Zones, except "Speed Spell" Spell Cards. When you take damage, remove 1 Speed Counter for every 1000 points taken. Monsters cannot be Set or flipped face-down. Monsters can be Normal Summoned in face-up Defense Position. When you Special Summon a monster(s) from the Extra Deck, place 1 Speed Counter on this card. When you place your 6th or 12th Speed Counter on this card, draw 1 card.[/indent] [b][u]Traps:[/u][/b] [b]Reflection of Sword:[/b] [i](TRAP; Normal)[/i] [indent]When your opponent declares an attack: Monsters cannot be destroyed by this battle. Also, if you take Battle Damage from this battle: Inflict damage to your opponent equal to twice the damage you took. You can only activate 1 “Reflection of Sword” per turn.[/indent] [b][u]Extra:[/u][/b] [b]Volspire Dragon:[/b] [i](DARK; Level 8; Dragon / Ignis / Effect; ATK/3000; DEF/2300)[/i] [indent]2 or more monsters (ATK) When this card destroys a monster by battle: You can target 1 card on the field; destroy that target.[/indent] [/hider]