My machine broke after I tried installing bluestacks to play Bravefrontier. :< I just got it back up and running. I never forgot this though. I tried to make a character that was Sairuvar but still distinct enough from our 2 foot tall friend. I'd like to think he expresses / explores the more academic side of magic in contrast to their spirituality, in his background and his personality. Without being someone who was clearly meant for greater things, he has a more normal-esque history. That was what I was going for, at least. Not sure how well I did though. :> I've expanded on the lore a tad, I hpe it's alright with you. In this regard I'll try and clarify a few here; [hider=The Tower]The Tower is a place in Hyarya Tol where those with ideas can come research and study among equal minded peers. It is not a single tower per say, but it is a conglomerate of many tall slender buildings but the tallest of all is a lone white tower that is it's namesake. The reason for it's height is the ease of conducting celestial energy, theoretically that would boost the potency of the many experiments held within.[/hider] The formatting will improve over time, once I figured out how to work the eldritch html this website uses. >_<