Oh dang, well, that "Weasley is our King" song is never going to go around because Draco comes up with those absolutely amazing lyrics. If by his Sixth Year and he's getting better with everything, there will be no song. And of course, if Ron goes down that path, I think that he won't become a Quidditch player anyway, because he'll be focused on strengthening his resolve, so that he'll be able to follow through on his new found plans. That being said, if Ron is to turn for the worst, I wonder if Draco will still be forced by Voldemort to take the Dark Mark after his father's failure and be instructed to kill Dumbledore? I only wonder because I highly doubt that Ron, even with his new change of heart, would draw the line at killing Dumbledore. And I eagerly await your starter. I'm really looking forward to starting this roleplay, you have no idea~