Oh my. Squeaks has the behaviour set most likened to a hamster, an intelligent hamster. At least, one that kind of understands what you are saying. He, though his gender is debatable, would never be able to invent the wheel if he hadn't seen it. As a golem, his lifespan is still a question as his creator has noticed nothing of aging as of yet, only signs of growth if ever so little. He does eat (alum??? and other ferrous metals) and will starve if he does not, at which point he will make a racket to get your attention long - you will find him hard to ignore. He communicates by,... squeaking, or he pressumably does. His language has yet to be deciphered. Squeaks moves by bouncing, rolling and squirming his ever slightly amorphous body. While he cannot float, he is lighter than water and will remain bouyant in it. He has two glowing dots that resemble eyes on his head, which ever side of his rotund body that is. Strangely enough, he is startled by thunderstorms, for he was created when Rowen (on one of his crazed, drunken, I-have-nothing-to-live-for nights) basically captured lightning in a rubbery bottle and screamed for it to live (a very simplistic explanation of what actually happened, but even he has no idea how to recreate it). Squeaks does not have the power of a god, if he did, you'd all be made of aluminium foil and the world would be in even greater peril than this war. Edit: I agree that the capabilities of what the bracelets can do are just conjecture, nothing solid till they actually do something. I should have mentioned that more clearly. The theory about True Ressurection was just the conclusions of an ancient sect of lorekeepers who said that life, in essence, is order imposed on chaos and that death is chaos in essence. So the diety Lim could, through, her power bring order to what has passed and restore life to the dead. They mentioned her miracles every now and then to conclude this. But for all we know, they might be mad men. :> Is tht okey?