Alakai didn't have time to reply, as he had to focus on the fight itself. Though he did take what she said into consideration when deciding what to do. Had he been a healer that could stay back, he would have been an excellent group leader, keeping an eye on everyone's health, mana, debuffs and damage output and intake. But he had never been confident enough to play a role like that. "Focus on the poisons!" The man exclaimed just as his flowing water cooldown finished. And as she had suggested, he quickly jumped back with a backflip, landed himself against the wall behind him, and jumped over the spiders like it was nothing. All to his own surprise as well. Sure, he had thought about maybe using a stepping stone to jump over them, and that he had to first back away. But it was like his body naturally reacted to that, and performed moves he had no knowledge of. Almost like instinct? It was quite an exhilarating and interesting feeling. For the next 20 seconds all he focused on was evading the spiders, letting his natural health regeneration skill do it's work. It wasn't much, but everything helped right now. Luckily these seemed to be a type of spider using webs, which meant they weren't hunters. So they were slow enough for Alakai to evade. He hoped Kali would understand that 'focus on the poisons' meant cleansing the poisons already on him, then taking as much time as possible to regenerate mana for another heal and one or two more poison removals. After those 20 seconds he turned around to face the spiders again, dashing right beside one of them, keeping it in between himself and the other spider so only one could attack him for a little bit. Once again he used his brawl skill, slowing the spider's attack rate by 20% and increasing his own dodge chance by 15% for the duration, which was 6 seconds, with only an 8 second cooldown. The second spider was on him once his brawl had finished. So now he was starting to get damage again. Though he used brawl again as soon as it was off cooldown. This dropped it, leaving only one spider to defeat. However Alakai's health had dropped to 422/1280 now. About 1/3. And he had two stacks of poison on him again. "Please tell me you have enough for at least a poison cleanse..." The man panted, starting to feel pretty tired and hurt by now. The poisons were still doing the most damage though, so they had to go first. "And a heal if you have the mana left." If she didn't, this was probably going to be a 50/50 fight for him, depending on who scored more 'critical hits'.