Roy stared up at the ceiling of the great hall, transfixed by the sight of the stars outside. The floating candlesticks spread throughout the hall only heightened his sense of awe. Not to say it was new to him. Over four years he'd grown quite used to the magic that touched every part of Hogwarts. Things like this just always jumped out at him again at the beginning of each year. He'd lost track of Rem who had gone off to ensure Ava made it onto the first year boats with no issue. Roy couldn't find him or David so he had simply gotten onto the same carriage as the girl from the train, Rhea. She seemed a little odd, but then again so did most people he knew. More importantly, her presence had opened the door for three more Hufflepuffs his age to join them in the carriage... two of them girls. Needless to say he was meeting Olivia later in the week to help her review her Transfiguration. He looked towards the front of the room as the sorting seemed close to beginning. He tried to spot the new Potions professor as he'd heard she was rather attractive young teacher from some others who had seen her on the train. He knew Nolan had been upset to hear the former Potions master was leaving. He'd worked so hard to get on the old man's good side. He had his attention drawn to the other end of the room however, as the students filed in behind Professor Longbottom, stool in hand. He set the stool down and placed the a dirty dusty old frayed hat on it. The same hat he was rumored to have pulled a Godric Gryffindor's sword out of during the Battle of Hogwarts. Humble man that was, he'd never confirmed anything. The hall went silent as all eyes were on the hat. Slowly its mouth opened, and it began to sing. It was the same as usual. A little history. Explanation of the houses, Gryffindors are brave, Ravenclaws use their brains, Slytherins get what they want, and Hufflepuffs... well they're "special." Then Professor Longbottom stepped forward once more, list of names in hand and began calling up the first years. ****************** "Astrid Reese!" Unafraid Astrid strode forward and sat on the stool letting the had fall over her eyes. "[i]Ah a brave one I see, very determined.[/i] Definitely a Gryffindor!" Astrid took the hat off gently and gave it back to Professor Longbottom She gave her sister a big grin and nearly skipped over to the Gryffindor table. She was quite excited and her sister's name was called. "Terra Reese!" The quieter twin tentatively stepped up to the stool. Her sister wanted her in Gryffindor, but Terra didn't agree with that. She could be brave, but to her loyalty to those you love was the most important thing. But wasn't it being disloyal to not go into Gryffindor? Her heart tore at the paradox as the hat slid over her eyes. "[i]Oh another Reese, but you are very different from your sister. Ah this battle in your heart about where you belong very loyal of you. You're very smart, ah and the brains behind the troublemaker. For all of that though, I'd have to say[/i] Hufflepuff!" Terra took the hat off shocked. She hadn't expected it to talk to her. She took her seat at the Hufflepuff table, mouthing an apology to her sister. Terra could tell Astrid was annoyed, but her sister wouldn't hold it against her. ****************** "Vincent Prachaphet!" Vincent rose from his seat to approach the stool. He was very mature for his age, knowing his obligations. The hat casually dropped upon his head. He and his brother expected him to become a Ravenclaw like his older brother -- and expected the decision to be certain. The next few words of the hat came as a shock. "[i]Hmm... what a strange amalgamation. Intelligent and chivalrous... yet loyal, fair, and patient.[/i]" Vincent was beginning to get nervous upon the stool. "[i]Well, we know you can't be a Slytherin![/i]" The hat joked as his chances of becoming a Gryffindor diminished through his nervousness on the stool. "[i]Tell me, what do you want to be?[/i]" "A Ravenclaw, like my older brother." Vincent replied. He didn't want to disappoint his family. "[i]Your half-brother[/i]" The hat corrected him," [i]but your loyalty is impeccable.[/i] Hufflepuff for you!" He picked up the hat and gave it back to the professor. After he had sat back down with a sour look on his face, Gary spoke up, "It's okay." Gary patted his back and assumed that Vincent himself wanted to be a Ravenclaw. "I'm sure Hufflepuff is just as good..." ****************** And with the final name, this year's sorting was over. Everyone cheered loudly for the final first year as he made his way to the Gryffindor table, and Professor McGonagall stood up to speak.