[quote=Kestrel] From her sonar sessions, Mari learned there were only very few holders around, namely her team and two on the beach. Additionally, from her high view she could see a flock of birds flying close over the sea. It was in the far distance, but they were drawn to one point, after which they landed on the water and suddenly vanished from Mari's sight. Soon an angry store holder, however, would yell at Mari to get off his ice cream parlour, claiming she was scaring his customers away. [/quote] [center][b]Free Billy[/b][/center] Mari jumped off of the store to please this grumpy store owner, Sakura quickly disappeared as she did. Her spirit didn't like to linger around at all. In any case she didn't want to head back to the group yet, nor was there a need to. She only noticed two holders which wasn't really major news. Though she should probably relay it anyway, she once again summoned Sakura behind the store. "Again Mari?" "No I need to send a message this time, to a girl called... Ehh, Eowyn Rohan. She is a holder on the beach." The shrine maiden closed her eyes and looked off into the distance. "Yes, I found her using the name your provided me, what do you want me to tell her?" "Right, tell her: Two non-library holders on the beach, otherwise quiet, some sort of minor disturbance on the sea, Mari out." The shrine maiden once again closed her eyes and then confirmed. "Its been sent." "Excellent, lets switch position now." Sakura bowed and disappeared as Mari continued moving behind the shops, looking for any of them that is currently closed. No store holders, no fuss.