Louisa watched with fascination as Amira tired to revive her robotic friend. Louisa was confused, weren't androids supposed to be emotionless? It made no sense to her why one was trying to help another, no less refer to it as a friend. She only grew more confused as the seemingly dead robot began to speak in several different tones of voice, a recording of sorts. Louisa tried to follow along with what the recording was saying, but it spoke too quickly with words she couldn't comprehend. One of the homeless people, one who didn't seem too interested in listening to what the robots were saying, noticed the two police officers approaching. [i]'Shit."[/i] he growled out, attracting the attention of the rest of the group of squatters. The uniform of the two approaching people was enough to send a slight panic about the crowd. Several of the people broke away from the two robots, hurrying to make themselves appear busy and not at all suspicious to the cops. As certainly none of these people had any stolen goods or pirated goods in their bedrolls, no way. Turning quickly to Amira and the newly revived robots Louisa spoke in a hushed tone. "You two should leave as soon as possible, or hide. These guys are tough cookies." She quickly returned to her orange crate, standing on top of it as if to seem taller and more intimidating. Louisa herself began to boldly stare down the two cops, perhaps trying to buy Amira and the other android more time. "What do you two want?" She asked in an annoyed tone, brave coming from a hungry homeless kid.