Like the dull thud of hammer on steel, the sounds of the march had a calming effect on Armauk, His stomach rumbled for some decent vegetables, his armor, padded more for comfort than actual protection (something which he would never admit willingly to his peers), continued it's tradition of producing the ever glistening sheen of sweat on his skin, the pack he elected to help take from the Campers weighed his shoulders down even more, the fact that he decided to march with the group nearest the Campers forced him to march alongside the Pikes whom were stuck on baby sitting duty for the Campers, and the itch on his balls was absolute torture. Luckily none of it mattered for as long as he kept marching . It helped that he was also thinking of his new project: shields bearing the insignia of each regiment in the company. He only came up with the idea a few nights ago and had only just started working on the first shield. He already determined that it would most likely be for the Blades for not only would one of the Blade captains be more willing to use a shield, but the Blades was where he was placed right after he "graduated" from the Pikes. While some would certainly deride him for his sentimentality, Armauk knew the shield would most belong there. And as if on cue, the slow grumble of the new recruits began to rise again for if they could not complain about the march, their ire naturally turned to the one orc most likely not to beat them into a bloody pulp. "How'd a git like him get to be Chosen anyway..." After the Blades shield, Armauk would probably work on the Wargs next. A small, round shield most likely, to complement one of the captain's styles. "... true orc ain't need nuffin' besides his own hide." Then the Spikes, though the shield there would most likely be more of a showpiece which would disappoint Armauk greatly. "... you stupid git, it's obviously because 'e ate so many bunnies 'e became onna 'em, and 'e's obviously 'idin' 'is ugly mug." And he couldn't forget the Campers. Perhaps they'd have the honor of having the insignia of the entire company "Nah nah nah I heard his mum was a full bunny, and his sire was a stinkin' halfie like him so he's more bunny than orc..." The Pikes would definitely be last. " halfwits heard it all wrong, the pansy was raised as a bunny see, by a one of them soft priest fellas, heard it from Eye-Drinker himself..." A slight turn of his head, a loud bark from the sergeants', and several cracks of the whip later forced the recruits into quiet submission once again. While Armauk was sure the recruits kept gossiping like bunnies behind his back, at least they didn't dare to speak so openly again and for the most part the rest of the march was uneventful, leaving Armauk to his own thoughts once more. Sometimes he was called to the front of the column to discuss tactics and such, other times he was called to inspect the trap-making of various Campers or someone would file a request to fix a broken pan or pot or sword or what-have-you. Nothing too exciting. Once the Company had stopped and chosen their encampment site and Armauk did his part in helping the Campers set up whatever they needed, the smith ascended a hill to get a better look at the enemy defense. While the fort certainly wasn't their toughest target the Company ever faced, their fortifications were still formidable and there were many new recruits among the Company's ranks who only just completed their most basic training in the Pikes. All in all, Armauk was fairly confident that the fort would be taken down with no problem, holding that same thought as he meandered down to the quick war meeting, arriving about the same time as Nargesh. As the others strategized, Armauk couldn't help but notice with some amusement that he was still he shortest among the giants before he chimed in, his voice rumbling and distorted beneath his helm. "I for one like Galael's plan, the one with the gate openy bit. She could certainly come to the fort, maybe as a refugee. Have her be picked up by one of the human patrols, or she could just go straight to their front door, ask for refuge. Or she could just go full sneaky sneaky, purple paint and everything and sneak her way inside. Anyway it happens, I'm sure she can manage it." "While that happens, just to ensure our little dryad is successful, we have most of our forces arrayed around the front of the fort causing all kinds of ruckus. They probably don't have a report of our full strength and it gives a chance for the new recruits to finally be of some use. Distraction and all. At the same time we have the rest of the tuskers circle around to the back of the fort, preferably with some of our bigger fellows," Armauk gave a small nod to Nargesh and Orgen, "cross the moat and either knock down or scale the walls. Take the fort, gates open, barrel down into the main base, fun for everyone."