____________________________________ [u][b]The Azure Sundown:[/b][/u] [i][u][b]MYSTERY AND PARADISE AWAITS[/b][/u][/i] ____________________________________ [youtube]ql8K3KJyWgY[/youtube] ____________________________________ You're handed a brochure. [b]ELCRUISE TRAVEL SERVICE[/b] [b]KINGS OF THE SEA, AT YOUR SERVICE[/b] [i]THE MAGIC OF THE WORLD l The world is much more than the confines of your home. There is so much to see, so much to explore, and much more to experience. Cruise with some of the most innovative ships around. Relax in some of the most exotic places around. See the most captivating cultures around. During your journey, indulge with some of the finest dining our specially trained chefs can provide, spectacular entertainment, and all the freedom that will inspire you. We urge you to create unforgettable memories with us. This year, 11 Elcruise cruise ships plan on sailing the world, including our newest ship, [b]The Azure Sundown[/b], launched in 2013, easily our biggest and most exciting ship. We are showing you the world for you, your friends, or your family - All while being affordable.[/i] The rest of the brochure is pictures of people enjoying themselves, along with descriptions of the boat's other activities and so forth. ____________________________________ Ultimately, the information told in brochure isn't what's so [i]interesting[/i] to you. The Elcruise service has a lot of secrets, and their newest super ship, The Azure Sundown, has most of them. There are rumors and stories that the ship is haunted. Along with fantasy stories of monsters, killers, and possessed toasters. Most people brush it off as an overactive imagination mixed with attention seeking - The Elcruise service themselves have denied these claims. But there's actually some credence behind it. People secretly go missing while on the Sundown once every trip. The company has done well to cover their own rear and report whoever as a missing person the second they can't find them. There are mysteries on this boat, some related to the supernatural occurrences, others more grounded in reality. And where's there's a mystery, there's a plucky person out there to solve them. It is [b]July 17th, 2014[/b]... ... The Number Man would love to have a word with you. ____________________________________ Good, got all that? Welcome to [b]Azure Sundown[/b] a little RP I came up with, deciding to give this lonely forum a bit of life. It started out as a murder mystery RP, but I deviated so far away from that the original idea is more or less unrecognizable. Now it's more of a mystery solving RP, with horror/supernatural themes thrown into the mix - There will be a murder mystery at some point, though. A little like my favorite cartoon Gravity Falls. But has a few themes from American Horror Story. Now, the general idea is that you, a traveler heading to a destination, has paid for a trip on board the Azure Sundown, the titular ship, and setting for the RP. Putting it lightly, sh*t's haunted. Strange monsters and abnormalities run amok, they mostly come out at night when everyone's in bed, or they're in the places you don't see. Some are nice... most are murderous and will kill you (Or worse) on sight. Your contact into a world of mystery and supernatural strangeness is the Number Man, who will point you in the right direction by giving you clues. It is up to you how you'll go about the rp. Are you ready? Anyway, this RP won't be too character focused, so I don't want too many characters - But there will be [i]some [/i]character interaction/development. I'll NPC mostly everyone. I have a little system designed for this. I will write up specific scenes/path for the characters (It'd be easier if people grouped up), and I will describe the consequences of their actions, and so on. Everything's mostly open ended, so it's up to the players what their characters should do, and if it's the right choice. Because, make the wrong choice, and you'll be punished...