It seemed the weatherman had lied when he predicted a clear and sunny break from the sudden cold front they had received. Instead of sun the sky was dark and overcast, ready to pour in the blink of an eye, and it was far from warm. People’s breath rose in personal clouds of fog, hanging in the air before them as a reminder of the hostile cold. This was not a day many wanted to be out and about, yet a lone woman walked down the street towards home. She was relatively small; maybe about 5’2 at the most; and those who didn’t know her would most likely think she was a teenager instead of a woman in her 20’s. What was even stranger was the cheery humming slipping out from under the scarf wrapped around her neck and lower face. Suddenly though her merry humming stopped, the feeling of being watched raising the hairs on the back of her neck. Evelin had frozen, turning slightly to find the culprit and yet she saw nothing… she was alone. Her sea foam colored eyes narrowed in confusion, a hint of fear glimmering under the surface. That had been the fifth time she had felt eyes on her, and three of those had been just on her walk home, it was starting to unnerve the young woman tremendously. Evelin really should have trusted her instincts but instead the messy haired woman turned around to continue her walk. That mistake was the reason she was now backed in a corner, the dead end of an alley she had blindly run into. Someone, more like something, had been chasing her ever since and now it and its four companions lurched forward menacingly. Whatever it was it was clearly not human, the creatures blazing red eyes locked on her in a predatory gaze. She would have screamed, had she believed it would help, but she knew there was no one around to help so instead she chose to press herself into the brick wall and raise her arms defensively. Then, with an animalistic growl the thing lunged and Evelin, too scared to react, merely cringed and let out a shriek of terror.