Orgen had a great time marching up to Langshul. The food on offer was rather good, something his refined palate could appreciate. He still relished the ham and other meats that were standard rations. But the Orcish delicacy of horse meat and even rarer bunny meat was what made the insufferable march bearable. The small skirmishes were not even enough to whet his appetite and by the time they made their final camp he wasn't in a particularly happy state of mind even if the food on offer was great. The bunny foot soldiers were brilliant but the merchants and the women were even better, he reasoned that it all boiled down to the quality and amount of fat. The merchants had more of it and thus were tasty. He had cooked for the half-ogres and half-giants of the company, the orcs weren't that choosy but still took a bit of the meat. Watching how riled Nargesh was, he knew that every one was a bit on edge for going without a proper bloodbath for so long and thus he had hoped to do his bit to keep everybody sane through food. He was not as great as Hrok, who was sensational with the pot but he knew how to grill and prepare bunny meat like no other in the establishment. This was also good moment to test out his new axe, get used to its weight and swing. Throughout the trip with some pointers from Armauk the ace smith and Nargesh the other impressive weaponsmith, he improved upon his original model. The grip was replaced from a hide handle to much more taut buffalo skin. The blade heads were sharpened a bit and he melted a few weapons he gathered from the bunnies and infused it at the base of the bladehead to give it more weight and support. He had also used this opportunity to request Armauk tinker with his helm and make it look a bit intimidating. So now he had a half helmet that covered his face up to his nose, leaving his large fangs exposed, a hole in the helmet to let his ponytail through and three horns on the head of varying length between 8 to 14 inches of pointy, sharpened metal. With his blood red eyes shining through them, he cut an impressive figure. He had also used this march to exchange some herb recipes with Dakgu who was very knowledgeable of common cures and Gaelel though extremely reserved, had helped at a bit more potency to his poisons. All in all, he had as much fun making camp as he had hunting down scouts and hostiles but still the carnal fun of battle made him a tad bit grumpy. As Old-man Radush camped for final time and the Chosen all gathered for a strategy meet, Orgen also joined. Hearing what others had been up to. Gaelel spoke first, she was the only one to have somehow managed to capture a bunny alive, they were so puny that they rarely survived one blow so Orgen's respect for her grew a notch. She let out a simple attack plan. Suggesting of an infiltration and assault route or a head on assault. Shar picked up the mantle after her as he added his experience and take on the battle. Elaborating the use of shrine as a defense camp and his way of nullifying it. He mentioned using a decoy attack to draw attention and then infiltrate like Gaelel had suggested. So his was an elaboration of her plan with his twist. Nargesh had also joined them by now and quickly added her point. She had been up on a hill with a detachment observing the fortifications. She had supported Shar's idea but had added the use of artillery in hers. It was impressive to hear them all out but Orgen was left a bit unsatisfied. He thought of Shar and Gaelel to be expert tacticians because one was a bit too zealous in everything he did and other was so reserved that he felt there were too many secrets which she can count on to see her through. He had half expect Nargesh to be so brutally simple and appreciated that if followed it will allow him a good taste of battle. As he mulled over the suggestions and waited for Armauk to speak something before voicing his opinion, he considered the options. For as much as he knew Old man Radush, he liked to keep things simple but always plan three steps ahead. That was all what Nar Mat Kord-Ishi was about. It was an amalgamation of Orcish survivability mixed with Bunny and Knife-ear strategies. As he heard Armauk finally throw his weight behind Gaelel's idea he let a small grin cover his maw before speaking shortly after him. "Consider this Chief, We know that bunnies don't see well in the dark on the contrary our brethren do. Why not we use that to our advantage here, its not like we are coordinating with a bunny army this time, we can do what we want to. This also brings our heavy weapons well into play." he paused drawing a deep breath and let the great Eyedrinker consider his point. " We dispatch half of Blades under Shar's command to assault the north wall and draw attention, as the bunnies scamper towards it to fight off the threat and they start getting up from their stupor. We move in the catapults in range and attack the main gate and the barricades, cutting a larger area for our main force consisting of Half of Blades under Nargesh and Pikes under Armauk to march on forth. Meanwhile, I command a platoon of Spikes, a ballista unit and lay siege to the west wall. As the bunnies make sense of everything, we use the confusion for Gaelel and her band to sneak in and lay waste to the church and the Prince Bunny. With their armies routed and running at the gates we let the Wargs storm in under Dakgu and lay waste to everything. After which if the Prince bunny is still alive you come in and snuff the life out of him."