Amira listened to what Five had to say, or at least, what his recording had to say. She could tell that it dated from a long while back, but found it even stranger that he could speak back then. [i]Did they remove his ability to talk when they realized that he wanted to be able to function as his own person, rather than simply a tool?[/i] She processed this for a long moment before she noted that he was waking up. [b]"Greetings, friend."[/b] She said in a relieved tone of voice. [b]"It seems as if Fate will not allow us to part paths so soon."[/b] She did her best to try and sit him up, but didn't want to damage him any further. [b]"Your 'eyes' say... something."[/b] She noticed that they seemed to have a bit more emotion in them than they did earlier. Perhaps it was because he rebooted himself? [i]But this means that I'm not the only one that has to go through with this torment of feeling what we're not supposed to feel...[/i] Then Lou warned them that they would have to get moving, because cops had appeared. For a moment, she had forgotten that she was a refugee among these homeless. She was on the run. If they happened to have goggles that could scan her model number, they could easily detect that she was the android that was on the run. Her mechanical heart started to pound within her chest, and if she had been human, she may have felt warmth spread to her face and the back of her neck. In an artificial way, she did. She grabbed Five where his armpits were and began to drag him through the legs of the crowd. [b]"We need to go..."[/b] She whispered hurriedly in his 'ear'. She gave Lou a distressed look from the back of the crowd, praying that the girl wouldn't get into too much trouble. [i]Please... don't do something that will make them harm you...[/i] At this point, she had taken quite a liking to the spunky child and would protect the girl at any cost. Even if it cost her the freedom that she so desired.