Bur'nak was starled by the kiss on the cheek but he didn't mind it. He felt his heart pound "your welcome Victoria and if anything goes wrong I will wade through Creeds men to get to you". His heart beat quickened was it possible that he was falling for her he watched her as she went to her room. He climbed out of the tub and dryed off he finished eating and got dressed. He heard victoria get Into bed he decided he would go down stairs to make sure she wouldn't be disturbed. He put his mask back on and headed down, he found the owner " I just want to make sure no one is going to bother the women I am protecting." The man nodded "I will make sure of it " Bur'nak climbed back up the stairs. He walked into his room and locked the door, he quietly walked to the door that joined his room to victoria's. He opened the door and snuck in, he went to the window and checked to make sure the curtains were closed. He checked the door and made sure it was locked, he grabbed a blanket off his bed and covered her seeing he couldn't keep her warm tonight. He then leaned down and kissed her gently on the cheek before going to his room, leaving the door cracked he climbed into bed and fell asleep