Gnarl had been riding ahead on his Warg scouting for enemy patrols. He had come upon a small one, and let it pass to be run down by the others. Shortly after he came upon a small group of men at arms beside a stream. It appeared they were gathering water. Normally he would have went back to the company and informed them, but there were only three men. The first was a swordsman who wore plate armor and carried a mace and shield. He was standing watch on the other side of the river. The second was a yeoman who carried his bow slung over his shoulder as he filled buckets. The third must have been an apprentice of some sort, he wore chainmail and a sword. This younger warrior stood with his back against the tree nearest Gnarl. Gnarl licked his lips as he slowly readied his bow with a heavy arrow. He leveled the bow on the Knight, then he elevated it slightly adjusting for the weight of the arrow. As he let it fly he gave a sharp whistle. The arrow did as intended and drove straight through the knight's plate mail into the flesh of his chest. The wound knocked him down but didn't kill him, and as the knight fell the terrified squire was drug down by Grakus's heavy jaws. The younger man kicked and screamed as he was ripped apart by the mighty warg. The yeoman attempted to bring the bow off his chest, but before he could nock an arrow Gnarl's was through his throat. The knight rose breaking what remained of the arrow and charged Gnarl. Dropping his bow Gnarl drug his greatsword out of the sheath on his back and parried the man's mace. Again and again the two cashed neither able to gain the edge. Suddenly Gnarl parried a final time with the greatsword and went for a finishing blow to cleave the main in twain by the head. As the knight attempted to raise his shield he found his arm suddenly crushed by Grakus's mighty jaws. His cry of agony was cut short by Gnarl's greatsword cutting cleanly through his helm and bisecting his head. Ripping his sword free Gnarl recovered his arrows and began his journey back to the company with the three dead men slung over the back of his warg. Finally arriving Gnarl headed directly for their warchief. None to his surprise their warchief was surrounded by other chosen orcs. Gnarl and Grakus approached dropping the carcasses of the humans in front of the others before speaking. "We have slain these bunnies, and they wear typical human armor and mundane weaponry. They appeared to be gathering water, so I would reckon to guess at least one of their patrols made it back and warned them of our coming. I would say that the best option for the least amount of losses is to starve them out, but I don't wish to wait for months on end for a taste of manflesh. Therefore I say we should have the bruisers go around the back and cause the largest ruckus they can start fires, bang drums, bash weapons, roar and stomp basically scare the bunnies. Next we send our friend Gaelel directly at them with some of the less skilled recruits chasing her. We either let the bunnies kill the recruits, or they chase her to the gate where she bangs on it and begs for refuge saying how she barely escaped us. Once inside she waits until nightfall and opens the gates where we then have a company of blades storm and hack anything they face to pieces. Followed shortly by the wargs who shall come in behind them finishing what was left of the resistance. I fear Shar is correct however my commander seeing as the humans can and will go underground like the bunnies they are. For that I say we have our campers nad others begin to dig the foundations around the church once we have secured the outpost. Finally once we have dug underneath them we drag the bodies of their fallen and set them ablaze burning them alive, causing the church to collapse, and finally smoking the remaining ones out to be killed for sport. However this is just my idea boss"