[center][b][i]A sudden unexpected gift from an old friend. The dead aren't always silent. ------------------------------------------ A collab between Mr Nim and Little Alice. Summary :[/b] Tora departed from Kirigakure to try to seek up Kiyomi in Konohagakure. Due the increased security measures the meeting isn't that safe, but the two meet and talk a bit before they part on their own ways again.[/center][/i] ------------------------------------------ [hider=An unexpected gift] It has been about a few days since Tora had departed from Kirigakure. The moment she was notified by Origami that Rika has left to go for Amegakure for the chuunin exams, she knew it was her chance. After getting a promise from Origami that she will ensure her team will be kept occupied in the meanwhile, she went and left. Now she was on a cart that was slowly traveling in the Fire country. She did not take anything to indicate that she was a shinobi, meaning she had no weapons or her headband on her. She also kept her chakra suppressed, at the case any shinobi might suddenly come up and ask questions. Until they arrived at their destination, she wanted to be sure that everything will be fine and quiet. Tora had been traveling for over a day with an elderly merchant, who kept roaming the fire country, going between different settlements to offer the supplies he knew how to get best, which was different kinds of herbs and cloths. When Tora joined him, she suggested that she will help him with carrying things around and also learn how to be a good merchant. The merchant now made the horse go and move to the side of the dust road, where it stopped. Getting off, Tora looked around. It was one of the main roads leading towards Konohagakure, but still far enough so the village was not seen [b]"The shinobi of Konoha told me that I cannot sell items too close to their gates. Its either within the village or from a certain distance out of it, to ensure people wont use my little cart as a possible 'way to hide among many others'."[/b] The elderly merchant said, and Tora nodded, understanding why they did so. The merchant went and fed the horse a bit while Tora started to properly set up the cart. She also observed the area around in the meanwhile, trying to see if she can spot any indication of shinobi or ANBU around. About 10 minutes later, the cart now looked a lot more like a stall, and the merchant sat down on a chair which was was previously in the cart. Tora took a crate from the cart and placed it on the ground before sitting on it [b]"How do you know people will come through here?"[/b] She asked him, pretending to be curious, and the elder merchant smiled before pointing at the direction they had come from [b]"Watch."[/b] He said before standing up and taking a step forward. About a minute later there were a few people that were approaching saw the elder merchant, who gave them a friendly smile before taking another step forward and beginning to talk to them, giving them his sales pitch. Slightly rolling her eyes, Tora took another glance around. There wasn't anyone around at the moment, so now was her chance. Closing her eyes, she focused on the dragon seal, which was hidden in a weird looking tattoo. She then focused on someone specific. The reason she had made her way over there. Of course, her summon had informed her that the girl had changed her name after he gave her the scroll [i]"Kiyomi Sato-Hon. Come to outside of Konohagakure, about 5 kilometers into the south-eastern road from the main gate."[/i] Tora would use her own voice, but she would know that Kiyomi will understand this is an instruction from someone higher ranked than her in Dragon Lotus, seeing the voice would come directly into her head. She didn't want to let Kiyomi until she arrived face to face with her. Sitting on a chair, Kiyomi looked with a focused expression at the map. There were several pieces standing on the map, each being different to another. Gently, she picked up one piece, that was set next to the map and placed it on a position. Just as she was to turn her head at to continue reading from a book that laid open, Kiyomi heard the voice of Tora. Slightly frowning, she took a moment before she would focus on replying back. [i]''And for what would one want me to come out so far from the Leaf?''[/i] Kiyomi politely asked back as she would close the book. The history book about the Great War would have to wait until later. Kiyomi crossed her arms as she looked at the map again. There was something else she would want to add, but decided to wait and see what the response would be. Smiling, Tora nodded a bit and opened her eyes. She figured Kiyomi won't just come. She was a Jinchuuriki for the leaf, after all [i]"You are the only person I could talk to about what is the best way of suffocating someone in a fish's body before taking away their special sword. As well as how to survive being eaten by the sword."[/i] She replied, figuring that seeing she had mentioned such a specific detail that Kiyomi might understand who she was. For a moment Kiyomi almost smirked, but there was a thought that drifted up. [i]''Am I now? I swore that there were two others. One that died by a disease and one other that doesn't speak to many. I wonder if the death can truly speak or if it is just me having a big imagination.''[/i] The tone grew a bit colder. She didn't mind to talk to Tora, but there was some bitter gale drifting up by the thought of that she had been deceived. Why hadn't she been told the truth? Only a moment later did she manage to push away the somewhat 'childish' thought. She had done the same, in service of the Hokage. It would be unfair to judge another for what she had done lately as well. [i]''So, may I know a name of with whom I am speaking with?''[/i] [i]"Tora Hatake. And I like to believe dead people can talk. After all, we both know someone who previously came back from the dead. The one who gave us the option to make contact this way."[/i] She replied before looking at the merchant, who now approached the cart and started showing the people the different kinds of herbs that he had there [i]"You know, I've heard that there is a cart with many types of herbs, and its always useful to have various types of herbs at reach. Who knows when you might suddenly be poisoned with a lethal poison."[/i] Tora added. There was a period of silence before Tora would hear Kiyomi's voice replying back. [i]''The dead can talk, I suppose that is true. Though I think that there is a slight difference for who are dead and those have been dead.''[/i] Rising up from her chair, Kiyomi frowned as she stared at the map. She had placed the pieces on the map to give the idea how the situation was at the date around the second year of the war. Around her birth. [i]''As for poison, I am not very knowledgeable in that field. Are you proposing something or merely suggesting that I should watch for something?''[/i] Kiyomi asked back, wanting to be sure of what the other wanted. She remembered the words Jinkama told her, that she couldn't just trust anybody who was part of the Dragon Lotus. So now Kiyomi was being cautious. That was always a good trait to have, especially with this kind of group [i]"I was merely refering to Ino Namikaze's death. You did try to heal her and saw there was a poison in her body that you could not get rid of, right? But I guess I can stop with this foolishness."[/i] She said before standing up from the crate. She approached the front of the cart and took a small box from it before turning to look at the elder merchant [b]"I'm going to go for a little stroll, alright? I'll be back in a bit."[/b] She told him, getting a quick nod in return as he kept presenting the herbs to the people, as a couple more came, interested to see what the merchant had to offer. After beginning to walk into the forest next to road and in the direction of Konohagakure, she let out a quick sigh [i]"You are already aware of who I really am. I wish to speak to you face to face, if you would be willing. If not, I'd understand."[/i] She said and kept walking in silence, wondering how much would be enough. Resting her hands at the corner of the table, Kiyomi glanced over at the west front. Raising her eyebrows, she started to think. It wasn't that she really did mind it and she was for a fact even happy. But there was still the fact she couldn't just walk out and do what she would like. There were two parties she wanted to help, serve and be loyal to. However, meeting up or allowing Tora to move in Konohagakure would be too dangerous for her. Even if she had changed name or almost anything else, if she would be discovered then it wouldn't be pretty. Thinking on the matter, Kiyomi decided to react back. [i]''You can try at your own risk to enter Konohagakure. Try to look for the smallest market place at the Merchant's district. But do not attempt to go any further. I will see if I can meet you there.''[/i] Kiyomi replied. She thought about her decision one final time. She could decide to not show up and just try to forget about 'Tora' wanting to meet her. Then again, she saw no danger if a civilian would like to strike a conversation with her. The ANBU that followed her wouldn't likely see any harm in it. At least, as long nothing out of the ordinary would happen. Turning around, Kiyomi would start to head out. Sighing, Tora shook her head a bit. She knew that if they checked the records then they would find that Tora previously entered the village as a civilian, which would only make things better, but she thought that it could be a bit of a risk. At the same time, she wanted to make sure Kiyomi is fine with her own eyes, and she made it clear that she cannot just leave Konohagakure. Looking back, she turned around and headed back to the cart, where the merchant was now sitting back at the chair, giving change to people who purchased a few herbs [b]"Will it be fine if I had to Konohagakure for a bit? a friend of mine is there and she works at a stall there, and I'd like to go and say hey."[/b] She asked, and after the people left, the merchant looked at her and thought for a moment [b]"Sure, that will be alright. Just be back here before sunset. I'll need your help putting things back in their place."[/b] He said, and she replied with a nod before heading away along the road. [i]"I'll let you know when I arrive at the marketplace in Konohagakure. You may choose where exactly we'll meet. But I assume I'll be there in about an hour or so."[/i] She said, not wanting to run and draw suspicion, so she decided to walk the way there. Waiting for some time, Kiyomi was walking around. She noticed that there was still some work being done at the newest wall, but that ththere were already control posts and guards. It wasn't a trouble for her to pass them and enter the Merchant district. Dressed in a more casual garb, she did had her own katana sheathed in the scabbard, strapped to her back. Looking around, she couldn't see the face of Ino. For some reason she was expecting to see the woman, probably just standing and waiting for her. But after a few moments, she saw no face that was close to the one she had been looking for. Heading to the place she had described, Kiyomi entered the small plaza. There were less stands than at the others, but in exchange it was less busy than the other places in the district. Walking towards a bench, Kiyomi decided to sit down and wait for some time. Tora had managed to arrive at the gates after 40 minutes or so, and was then checked by the security there, which appeared to be more tightened than what it originally was. Due to the fact she had no weapons or a headband on her, and that her chakra activity appeared to be so low, the guards decided to let her in, deeming her to be nothing more than a civilian that is incapable of performing any kind of jutsu. Going inside of Konohagakure, Tora couldn't help but feel a bit odd once more. It appeared that every time she was there she felt like it, due to being unsure if she should even call it her home or not. After pushing the feeling aside, she headed to the market. A few minutes later she was there and started looking around, trying to find someone who suited the description her summon had previously given her. After going through the market and into the small plaza, Tora had begun wondering if Kiyomi never came. She walked slowly through the plaza, passing by a few benches which people sat on. Suddenly she noticed something and turned to look back. A girl who suited the description sat in a bench on her own. So she was waiting for her there. Walking to the bench and sitting down next to Kiyomi, she scretched her arms before speaking [b]"It's a nice day. I wonder if people are still fishing sharks."[/b] She said before lowering her hands and placing them on her legs. Kiyomi would notice that the voice was that of Ino, and not the one she previously heard. [b]''It might be a nice day, but I am afraid that I hold no knowledge of more maritime activities. Though I do like some sushi.''[/b] Kiyomi calmly replied. She looked at the calm place, in comparison with the others. Glancing sideways at Tora, she couldn't really see much of 'Ino' in her. The voice was the only thing that assured Kiyomi that she was the one. That and the specific line of course. [b]''But are you a fisher or somebody who just trades in them?''[/b] Kiyomi politely asked, crossing her arms over each other. It was strange to talk to Tora, who was Ino, like this. Though she didn't look like her, it was still her and Kiyomi wasn't sure if she could call Tora by her name. [b]"Lets just say that I once very much enjoyed seeing someone eat raw shark. But that was over two years ago."[/b] She said before looking at Kiyomi once again. The girl's appearance didn't change too much, but it was clear that it was different [b]"I'm Tora."[/b] She decided to introduce herself so that Kiyomi will be able to do the same and then they will have less trouble with talking to each other. She also looked around and saw shinobi patrolling from time to time, making it very clear the security around had become better. For a second she stared at the hand. Was this how some had felt when she had came back? Slowly Kiyomi raised a hand of her own and shook that of Tora's. [b]''Kiyomi.''[/b] She replied. Pulling her hand back, she clenched it into a fist as she threw a glance at the few nearby stands. [b]''Is that so? Intriguing feat then. I personally haven't ever eat shark in my life, but I suppose that eating one raw isn't as delicious as it sounds like.''[/b] Briefly Kiyomi thought back to that fight. Now she started to wonder why she had never tried to eat sushi, made of shark. Shrugging a bit and putting her hand back on her leg, she couldn't help but smile a bit at the thought of that fight. She then took out a small box from her pocket and looked at it [b]"I don't know about the taste, but I heard that shark meat uncooked can be bad."[/b] She said before looking back at Kiyomi [b]"I don't suppose you know anyone by the name of Lilia, do you? Because I came here to see her and give her something."[/b] She said, knowing Kiyomi will understand what she meant. For a moment Kiyomi stared at the small box. Then her eyes looked at Tora's. [b]''I don't know any living person that goes by that name.''[/b] She told Tora with a serious tone. She wanted to add something, to say something else to make something clear. But she decided against it. It wasn't like she didn't want Tora to be around or to show that she cared. What was bothering Kiyomi was something else. [i]''I am sorry, but no. I am glad that you came to see me, but I can't accept a gift if it is meant to be for somebody that holds a different name.''[/i] After the reply, she felt odd. A bit prideful. Yes, that was probably the way to put it. Looking at Kiyomi, she couldn't help but let out a sigh. Sometimes the girl was a bit naive, even with everything she went through [i]"If you can't tell when I'm using your old name for cover in case anyone is listening in, then you still have things to learn. How did you think I found you if I never saw you like this, or how did I know your name?"[/i] Tora replied through the dragon seal before looking at the box and removing her hand from the top of it. On the top was craved the surnames 'Sato-Hon'. She them put her hand back before letting out a fake yawn [b]"I see."[/b] She said in a fake disappointed voice before looking around again. With all of the shinobi around, she hoped Kiyomi would understand why she wanted to be careful. If anyone suddenly saw a strange woman ask for sitting for Kiyomi and suddenly giving her something, it would appear suspicious. Slowly, Kiyomi clenched her right hand into a fist again before flexing her fingers. She briefly looked up to the sky, acting like she was trying to see if it was going to rain or not. [i]''I guess that I am a bit different than you on that part.''[/i] She told Tora back through the seal as she placed her hands on her legs before letting out a soft sigh. [i]''If you are so cautious, so careful then why using my old name when my current and true name is more known? If you want to play it safe nor bring my mood down, please don't bring up that name again.''[/i] Kiyomi was wondering if she should continue the conversation. A bit disappointed by the last reply of Tora, she decided that it was just that the woman wanted to be careful. With the increased security, it wasn't really anything strange. One wrong move and she would be likely captured. And to protect herself, Kiyomi would have to side against Tora if something like that would happen. [i]''If you want to give me a gift, but want to be careful lets do it in a different way, yes? I am being watched by ANBU and now that you have spilled out my old name, it is safer to disguise it and hide it somewhere. Outside of Konohagakure.''[/i] [i]"I dont want you to leave Konoha and be watched even more and then get caught taking this. I have a better place in mind."[/i] She replied and then turned to properly look at Kiyomi [b]"I think I might be able to find my friend at a nearby park or garden. Do you know where is the nearest one to, what did she say it was called..."[/b] Tora pretended to try and remember what the name was [b]"I think it was a teahouse's name. Not quite sure. She said that if I won't find her in the market place, then she will most likely be there."[/b] She said and then stood up, as if to get ready to head in whatever direction Kiyomi was going to tell her to go, though Tora hoped she would understand where she was aiming to go to. Almost had Kiyomi stared with mouth open at Tora. If her old name hadn't been one to raise suspicioun, then she was doing it right now. [b]''I wouldn't know.''[/b] She rose up from the bench as she made a short nod towards the woman and turned her back to Tora. [b]''I bid you a good day.''[/b] With a short gesture of her left hand, as a goodbye wave, she would walk away from Tora. [i]''I am not going to pick it up. Listen, right now you are bringing us both in danger.''[/i] Kiyomi's voice sounded like a hiss, as she was getting nervous. Though she looked calm on the outside, her heart was racing inside. [i]''I have my methods and they work better than what I assume you will do. A method that will not require any of us both to try something that is risky.''[/i] Kiyomi wondered if Tora had forgotten about her summonings. That was what her idea. To let Mister Usagi pick up the gift and return later back with it. A well formed excuse for why she would send the rabbit would be to send a message to the Moto Estate or anything else. If it would even raise any questions for why she would use one of her summonings to do such a task. Not replying this time, Tora merely let a wave back before pretending to ask a couple of other people on where she can find the location of that park. After walking away from the market for a bit in that direction, she stopped in front of a small ramen place and went inside. Ordering herself a bowl of ramen, she ate from it slowly while thinking on what Kiyomi's method might be. She figured the most likely one would be a summon, as she had that ferret which could probably slip past anything with ease. However, due to the fact she didn't know how well Kiyomi was watched, seeing she was a Jinchuuriki and even more, according to the tone of speech from her voice, she figured there was a chance that even Kiyomi's summons would be watched and anything they might bring to her would be checked. Finishing the bowl of ramen, she paid for it before leaving and beginning to head in a different direction from the park. She went to the postal office which was a short walk away and then waited in the short line for a few minutes before approaching the counter [b]"Hello, I came across this strange box about an hour ago, and I noticed there was a name on here, which sounds just like the name of Kiyomi Sato-Hon. Could you send it to her? I fear she might've forgotten it there and seeing she is our Jinchuuriki, I think it would be best if anything that belongs to her will be with her."[/b] She said and gave a smile to the clerk who took the box from her and passed it to a shinobi behind him before telling Tora that she will still need to pay for it to be delivered. Nodding, she took out the money needed and paid before thanking the clerk and heading out of the postal office. Several minutes later she was at the village gates, and she looked back for a moment. She was certain there shouldn't be anything to keep Kiyomi from receiving the box, seeing there was literally no traps or any kind of weapon or such in there. She smiled when she thought about the content of the box before passing through the security once more. The box was was already checked when she went inside, and was confirmed to be safe, so she saw no reason why anyone would prevent it from reaching Kiyomi. [/hider]