He hurt, but pain was good, pain is proof of life. Skin and sinew sewn back by hand with threaded needle soaked sterile. Now he used he force to do the rest, one can control their body to speed up the healing process, ticking days off the body in hours. But what were days, or for that matter even years, to a wookiee? His meditations, which by his standards were primal screaming sessions in an echoing cavern, were interrupted by a sith solider in reflective crimson armor. Kallatatha ceased his session with annoyance at the interruption, he was certain he could use the force to scream even louder if it wasn't for the artificial vocal chords. He couldn't sense the fear, nor could he smell it in the sealed suit, but the body language spoke volumes. Clawed hands took the datapad as the wookiee put a foot out in a half step towards the minion, but as the trooper tried to flee, he found his boots stuck fast to the ground. The sithspawn was expressing tactile telekinesis to root him to the spot while the beast spoke. "Trooper, your red uniform pleases me. You are to fetch my armor to have it treated like your reflective metallic color, Including the new helmet. Go." The Solider couldn't get out of there fast enough once the wookiee lifted his bare foot from the earth to break the connection. That would be a technique to build up, remove the footwork from a lightsaber fighter to cut him down. Once alone, he activated the holotransmitter and was greeted by the male Kuati Admiral Roland. Kuati were a matriarchal people, so he most likely joined the sith to actually have a say in something for once. There was a single logic to matriarchal lineage, anyone could impregnate with enough studs over enough time, but it is easier to trace what mare gives a cub rather than the sire. [i]“Lord Crusade has informed me of your new duties. The Local Inhabitants of the planet, as you know are akin to insects. We believe they must have a queen, to truly gain control over them we require her obedience. Slaying her or threatening to slay her will not achieve this. This is what we believe the Queens to look like, and feel there may be more than one. Each hive having a Queen. Lord Crusade believes that one of them could be swayed with a show off power."[/i] The image spoke in an elegant and rich accent that made him want to slap the spit out of the admiral. Soon the hologram showed an [url=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111124043317/ewj/images/c/c6/QueenSlugForAButt.jpg]insect queen[/url] that reminded him of the Wroshyr termites. Soon the admiral was back to speak once more, Kalla would have rather stared at the Pulsating, Bloated, Festering, Sweaty, Pus-filled, Malformed, Slug-for-a-Butt then this pitiful human' s aether image. [i]"I am sure with the possibility of her becoming the sole ruler a deal could be struck. He expects results by the time his mission to Coruscant is completed. We will be sending another Sith, the Anzati, Xi, to assist you once his mission to Mandalore is complete. The holocron you discovered is to remain on your person at all times especially when the second Sith arrives, and is not allowed to access it. Roland out.”[/i] The holoprojector shattered in his grip and the fragmented bits fell away between his fingers to tinkle in the chamber of echoes. Reaching into the folds of his fabric, he drew out his prize to examine the red pyramid for the umpteenth time. there was only one way to keep it on him and un accessable at all times. Once more the cavern echoed with his roars of agony as claws gutted himself open on his side. Dropping to his knees, he began to shove the tetrahedron in by its vertex slowly to avoid his intestines until his wound started to close around it. He hurt, but pain was good, pain is proof of life.