[hider=Nightmares on Wax - Passion][youtube]mgjvD9lKr4U[/youtube][/hider] Now this was quite the sight. Mercedes watched her brother scamper off from the car, hurrying to the group of skulls as they called for him. Rolling her eyes and shaking her head, she parked her little yellow bug only a few spaces away from the crowd. ‘[i]If only he listened to me like that.[/i]' She thought, her eyes sitting on her brother as she watched him interact with his masked leader, “[b]Our friend Reiko has been injured. Fix her.[/b]” With a curt nod and a firm, “Yes, sir!” She watched her brother kneel over the injured woman and begin to care for her. It was at that command that she received an all too familiar look, he needed her power. Rolling her eyes again and breathing out an exasperated sigh she took a final puff from her cigarette and kicking her door open. Snuffing out the butt with the bottom of her sneakers along the pavement, she stepped out of the car and motioned her brother over with flick of her wrist. Mercedes only reason for driving her brother here was to find food on the way home, so it wasn't in her best interest to stop and hang out at one of her many jobs. Especially since she was probably going to have to open in the morning. Technically it was her day off from the bar—which she had ironically spent working—And while it wasn’t her first option for a [i]nice[/i] place to eat at, it would have to do for now seeing as her assistance was needed here. It wasn’t like East Rail had many diners anyway, and with it being the closet place besides a McDonalds to home, Mercedes quickly settled on the idea of a beer and a burger for dinner. Stuffing her keys into her back pocket, she caught sight of another gawking at her within the group of skulls. With a quiet breath of laughter she turned her eyes down making sure the other didn’t catch her glance. As he began to stride towards her, Mercedes came to a halt beside the front of car watching him walk proudly towards her. The Skulls made up a majority of her business, at the Jolly Roger and the India Club, and the tall, handsome blond before her was no stranger. Damian was his name, and even if she hadn’t met him at the bar or the club, Tony never stopped talking about him. She had lived in this city all her life, and even though they had never had proper conversations, she had seen him around the area for years. Either way, it didn’t surprise her that he didn’t recognize her. Make-up, and skimpy clothing did do wonders after all. The left side of her lips curved into a smirk as she stared him down, eyeing him and sizing him up as he began to speak. “[b]Hello there.[/b]” He said while leaning against the hood of her car, “[b]Do I know you from somewhere? You look…[/b]" The amused smirk never left face as she watched the Skull, but before he could finish his sentence the sound of gunfire came from down the street. Both alert to this, Mercedes looked to her brother, their glances meeting just as two motorcycles came speeding down the street. Mercedes tensed up, crouching slightly beside her car and covering her head instinctively. Shooting a worried look towards her brothers direction as she saw Damian step before her out of the corner of her eye, “Antonio!” Her brothers safety was top priority, but as she saw him uninjured and hovering above another woman to shelter her from the gunfire she felt her tension settle. The chaotic scene before the bar only seemed to intensify as another woman came flying off from one of the motorcycles, her bike crashing and her body tumbling on a blanket of yellow particles. Covering her mouth and gasping in fear for the other woman, she hesitated to move forward once she heard the other call out for the Skull, “[b]Damian...[/b]” Her gaze then fell along the blond, watching him carefully as he went to the other woman’s aid and helped her from the ground. “[b]Do we have any other healers?[/b]” Without a second thought Mercedes came to Damian's side, her voice calm and confident as she placed a soothing hand along the other woman shoulder. “Right here, I'll take care of her—Tony!" She called out to her brother catching his attention almost immediately, "Get her inside and out of the rain!” Motioning to the older woman laying before him, her brother hesitated to move once his sister started shouting out commands. “[b]Now[/b], Tony!” At her snarl the boy fell into action, turning his gaze to others Skulls, “Help me get Reiko inside. Carefully!” Returning her attention to the two beside her, Mercedes motioned for them to follow as she headed towards the bars entrance, “Come on, lets get inside."