Mathew Edwards was literally just the guy from the mail room a mere two years ago at Bartox Industries. He wanted to get into Grad School to get his PHD and to teach science, but Matthew couldn't afford Grad School on his own so he took a job in the mail room at Bartox Industries. It was a modest beginning but it was a foot in the door and he did what he could to rub elbows with some of the elite of the scientific community. Unfortunately this did nothing to get Matthew anywhere close to his dream of Grad School or making a name in the scientific community for himself. Then came the opportunity to serve as an intern under Dr. Sara Bosworth. She was not only a brilliant doctor and one of the real rising stars in the medical field, but to Mathew she was a Goddess. He applied for the internship and jumped through every hoop and went above and beyond in most cases to win the internship with Dr. Bosworth. When he was awarded the internship that made the grind and humiliation of being a mail room lackey just a bad dream. The committee said that if this a successful internship this was is ticket to any Grad School in the country. The Grad School component along with working with Dr. Bosworth was a dream come true for Matthew. Matthew knew that this was being under the banner of Barotx Industries, but the Government was the ones calling all the shots. Mathew didn't care about the politics of the Government or Private Industry this was crossing a threshold of medical science and he was working with someone that he was amazed by. For all he cared this could've been run by the Russians with the Coca-Cola company, but at this moment two years of frustration and set backs were about at come to an end. Then came the moment she reached and squeezed his hand Mathew felt a surge of hormonal rush like never before. He wasn't able to suppress the smile that crossed his lips. If Dr. Bosworth asked later Matthew would say it was because of the experiment. He replied to her, "With all my heart Sara..." Matthew shook his head and said, "I mean Dr. Bosworth. I believe." As he saw her break the skin with the syringe Matthew turned his attention to the monitors behind the glass enclosure and said, "Serum is in the blood stream. Storm will be at it's apex in 2 minutes. Optimal lighting field impact for the area in 3 minutes and counting Dr. Bosworth." He turned back to Dr. Bosworth and said, "Ready to begin final phase induction of Project L." Matthew pressed a button and the platform they stood upon raised itself to the Heavens as the Heavens let loose their judgement upon them.