[b]Dex - Home - Tessa[/b] After catching the lock box, Dex just stared at it for a good minute. He looked at its design, not really thinking about it though, but about other things. He was disgusted by the images that ran his mind. Confusion was also a part of his emotions right now, feeling every little sharp urge to do things, but then having them stop when he realizes their not part of the plan. Dex urged to pen the darn thing, but it also needed a key. He tugged and pulled at it desperately, but couldn't manage. In the end he gave up using passiveness and just threw it at the garage wall, completely shattering the wooden safe into shards of pieces. He watched everything inside just fall to the ground, just like his heart had fell that day. There was money, a lighter, a couple of old envelopes and most importantly, the keys to his old bike. He crouched and took what he was looking for, then returned to mount his beast. He inserted the key, turned the bike on, the roared the engine like an animal. The echoes and thuds of the old thing echoed in the garage rather loudly. With the clutch still pulled in, he turned the throttle, playing with the engine a little as it hadn't been turned on in a while. He had had his best friend come every Saturday to have it run for a while, so it wasn't too rusty, but one could see old gasoline exiting the exhaust. "Climb on" he ordered Tessa, still having the gun on him at all times. With the press of a button, the garage pulled open and allowed the two to ride off into the streets. The same button was pressed - which was on the keys - to close the garage door. -------------------- After about a fifteen minute ride - while it was still daylight - Dex stopped in the parking lot of a strip club. "C'mon" he ordered as he got off his bike and started towards the entrance. A bouncer stopped them before they could go in. Dex had his hat on along with some shades. "We frisk" the bouncer said. "So get your hands up for a second" he added, but Dex did not follow as told. "I'm here to talk to Tyrone. He's still runs this place right?" Dex questioned as he looked up to the six foot plus dark skinned man. "Sure he does. But I'ma need to frisk you if you want to go inside, we ain't hoodlums. Guns stay in our safes" the bouncer stated in arrogance. Dex dug in the pocket of his pants and pulled out a couple bills. They were rolled up neatly and showed the bouncer. "You let me in, it's yours" he negotiated. The bouncer quickly took the opportunity and made the deal, letting Dex and Tessa in the club without being frisked. So with the gun still in his belt, he walked down a path, eyeing everyone in the club as the dancers did their thing in the background. As he reached a table, he told Tessa to sit down. "You stay here, I've got some business to handle. I'll be right back" Dex instructed as he vanished through the crowd. Men of all races and ethnicity turned to see Tessa alone in the table. They eyed her like a piece of meat.