[center]Tessa[/center] Tessa flinched when Dex threw the lock box against the wall. She wasn't too fond of the idea of getting on the bike either, but she did. The gun was enough incentive. She should have lied about her name. Tessa thought as they rode to the club. A fleeting thought of escape while at the club passed through her mind. The problem with that now was this guy had her name and a good description of her. Well he didn't have her last name, but with her first name and the description Dex could easily get her caught. So she didn't say anything to the bouncer. When Dex told her to sit she did. The stares made her pull her jacket tighter around herself. She hadn't been in public in a while. There were too many people here. Too many seeing her face. If one of these guys had seen a notice about her. She looked around and found the door to the restrooms. She'd bolt there if need be. Until Dex came back though she sat foot tapping rapidly. This was not where she wanted to be. A large guy, probably close to 300 pounds lumbered over to where Tessa sat and took the seat across from her. "Hey girly. Watcha doin' in here?" Tessa repressed a shiver and kept her mouth shut. She had a few choice things she wished she could say to the fat man, but she kept them to herself. Instead she looked up at the stage at one of the strippers and watched, as if that was the entire reason she had come into the club. The man grinned and reached across the small table to touch Tessa's face. She pulled away and slapped at his hand. The reaction was so automatic that Tessa almost felt guilty as the man rubbed his hand. "Feisty you are." He gave her a toothy grin, one that had more than humor in it. His eyes held the anger she expected. "Look, my brother will be right back out leave me alone." She took the liberty of calling Dex her brother. The lie was necessary. The guy didn't seem to think her lie was true. "Yeah, and when he does he'll find you right here." The guy lunged forward, Tessa dodged him and bolted for the bathroom. It wasn't the best plan as the female's bathroom was just one small room. She ducked in just as a one of the few women that would be in the club for other than dancing themselves left. The fat man lumbered behind her, but Tessa got the door shut and locked before he could squeeze in. [Center]Tom Richards[/Center] "We're not here for you kid." Kera said. Tom was already moving toward the robot and the girl. She looked familiar. Something about her picked at the back of his brain. "We're after the robot." Kera nodded at Five. "He's from the museum and we're here to take him back and to get fixed up." Kera's voice wasn't as harsh as she normal sounded. She talked down to the child. "Kera." Tom started to say as he did a quick scan. It wouldn't give him a model number, but it would tell him if the girl was an android or not. It buzzed at him. He drew his sidearm, raised it and pointed it at the android girl. "Miss, drop the robot." His voice was stern and commanding. His finger off the trigger, but the safety was off.