[center][b]„Kanamaru 'Joshua' Matisashi”[/b][/center] Kanamaru's eyes shifted from the ladies face to simply the backdoor of the hovervan. He milled over what she said, thinking more about who to ask for a ransom than about her actual words. [b]„Nani..? An android.. no, never seen one. Too poor to afford that shit. And cops don't like me in any districts other than Asiatown.”[/b] He grinned at her as he took another drag from the cigarette, blowing the thick smoke back into the closed off van, creating a smokey atmosphere. [b]„And I guess you don't look like a mother. Fat.. sure. Your words.”[/b] he said as he sat straight up, grabbing onto the door and sliding it back open. The smoke got released from the van and Kanamaru got up, walking over to a table with some tools and a prepaid phone on it. [b]„Shizui, let's ask for that money now yeah?”[/b] Shizui didn't respond and simply raised his hand, giving the 'okay' to Kanamaru while he continued talking to the others. Kanamaru copied the phone number that was written on a scrap of paper in black marker onto the phone, then pressed call. [i]„Hello, this is CorpWest headquarters, we're currently occupied with polic-”[/i] Kanamaru was quick to cut off the lady behind the phone. [b]„We have your CEO. Prepare a suitcase with one million dollars or we will end her life. Meet us at the parking below Norinori Diners in an hour. If you are late, we will kill her too. Don't bother tracking the phone. We're moving within a few seconds.”[/b] The phone call would end abruptly for the lady as Kanamaru instantly hung up and walked around the van to the backdoor, opening it swiftly and throwing the phone into the dumpster right next to the door. Even if they'd track it, they'd probably not find it amongst the heap of trash unless some cop was feeling like dumpsterdiving. Kanamaru stepped back inside and signalled the rest of the crew. [b]„Let's go.”[/b] he said as they headed for him, Kanamaru getting in the back of the van with Misty alongside Shizui, and the others filling the three frontseats. Kanamaru pulled the gun from his sports jackets pocket and handed it over to Shizui, who took casual aim on Misty, leaning his pistol hand on his pulled up knee. Meanwhile Kanamaru would hand over a CD to the front seat, for them to play. The quiet didn't appeal to Kanamaru. So, he opted to let Japanese rap beats and well flowing texts that Misty wouldn't understand fill the van. Slowly the hovering engine kicked in, lifting them from the ground slowly due to the load. After that they zoofed out of the garage, the doors closing behind them. They were headed for Norinori's parking, which was underneath the diner. It was one of those dark, shady parkings where drug deals and ripdeals went down. That, or liquidations. Shortly after, about 15 minutes worth of travel, the group of 5 arrived at Norinori's parking, the van slowly hovering into place where they'd open the side sliding door. Kanamaru would grab Misty's arm and drag her slightly towards the opening, so that when the other party involved approached they would see Misty. He didn't bother putting something in her mouth or blindfolding her, as it was no use and she'd likely be a pain in the ass anyway. [b]„Just be quiet and wait for them to buy you back.”[/b] It was a bold plan, and Kanamaru knew in the back of his head that there was no way they'd actually pay. Likely, they'd bring a briefcase with just a few real dollarbills, and then once Misty was safe send in the cops. It was for this reason that he already looked around the parking to see possible escape routes. It was clear to him that using the van to escape was out of the question, so his other options were the stairwell that lead up to the alley besides Norinori's diner, or jumping off a side railing, falling a full floor onto a lower area, where he'd likely have more chance at escaping. But, there was no saying what'd be waiting down there for him if he had to jump, cause there'd be no time to check. The stairwell was probably best. He just kept it in the back of his head, not notifying his friends whatsoever so that they didn't panic.