[quote=Sanki88] Every iteration of Digimon is slightly different they do "bleed" just they bleed data/source code. In theory you inflict a serious enough injury they would probably start leaking digital blood, what purpose it serves if any coudl be debated But I would think especially in the real world they'd have some equivilant. Data gets converted to synthetic flesh basically, so thy should have some form of Synthetic blood analog.But Dark doesn't have to mean blood. Dark can mean stuff like torture. while in a show a bad digi would be likely to just lock up their captive slap them a couple times. in a darker setting torture would fit in, even if digimon don't bleed they can feel pain so by stabbing a digimon every so often to inflict pain until they talked that could fall under "darker" The original version wasn't afraid to be a little dark for plot reasons, Myotismon killing pumpkinmon for example, and torturing nyaromon/salamon. However the dub edited some of that stuff, yes we still saw an abused salamon, but Pumpkinmon got "banished" because his death was off screen. Puppetmon had a real gun instead of a toy and so on.So i would take "Darker" as in the bad guys are bad enough to try and kill our characters (why else would we need weapons?) [/quote] True true I forgot the aspect of torture xD I understood the humans since yeah I expect them to get hurt, have the possibility to die, etc at least compared to the show which rarely actually put them in harms way (though my memory is bad. I do know the first series tended to 'kill' off a lot of digimon while 3 and 5 made confirmed deaths) So yeah :D coolio