Can we have a basic run down on what's going down at the moment? Edit: Oh, right. Name: Pamela Mars Alias(s): The Twist Age: 24 Affiliations: The Heroes Description: Pam is a tall woman, standing at 6"3. She has a medium build, and is generally athletic looking. She has red hair she often ties back in a bun. She doesn't have much of a costume really. She'll wear a masked visor to protect her face and shield her identity, and a military jumpsuit she owned from her time in service. Obviously she stripped the rank and anything else that would identify her. She does still wear her dog tags, but in a concealed fashion. She wears a helmet, elbow and knee pads, as well as protected boots and gloves. Her regular attire is pretty casual. Jeans, sweat shirt, maybe a ball cap if she's feeling adventurous. Powers: Pam's powers involve centrifugal force, basically spinning. She can cause any object to spin at incredible speeds, including her own body. She could spin the tires on a bicycle to give her a very quick speed boost, even spin the air making contact with her body to whip up small scale tornadoes. This makes "The Twist" capable of making regular household items highly lethal weapons. Imagine the damage a pencil can do to a person if it is spinning at hundreds of miles per hour. These powers can extend to Pam's own body. One of her signature techniques is performing aerial somersaults and high speed cartwheels, since her ability gives complete control over her positioning. The Twist is known for just about always landing on her feet. These powers make her capable of dealing some hefty blows assuming she has suitable room to wind up. Her abilities also make it so that Pam is incapable of becoming dizzy, and give her a spacial awareness that remains even if her body is spinning at ridiculous speeds. These powers do come with limitations. While the internal workings of her body (her organs) have a natural resistance to the g-force she can create, what they aren't protected against is high speed impact. Friction is also an extremely dangerous force, capable of skinning her like a rabbit easily. To use her powers to their full potential she is seriously risking her own health and well being, not to mention the property damage that can be caused by the raw destructive force of her abilities. Also, due to the mechanics of torque the larger the object is the slower it takes to build up speed. Cars can be toppled, but things heavier then that are mostly out of her ability. Notable exceptions are things designed to spin, like wind turbines or helicopter blades. Skills: Rollar blading, Kick Boxing, Wielding military weaponry, Basic first aid. She is also a talented breakdancer and parkour artist, but that is more so due to her powers then any particular talents she had before. Equipment: Military grade roller-skates. It might sound silly, but Pam has roller blades designed to be able to take the strain her power has on wheels. Most wheeled vehicles she has will fall apart after a single use, but these babies are built to last. The wheels can be removed and stored and leaves behind an extremely tough pair of boots that offer a firm grip on the ground. Her combat style usually involves more kicks then punches, so these boots are potent weapons that protect her feet against all but the most ridiculous speeds. Protective gloves. These resemble her boots in that they are protected against friction. The knuckles have cushions iron bars, making her punches rather formidable in and of themselves. A military grade helmet. Protects her noggin. Ranking: B (Optional) Brief History: Pam is a native to Austria who worked for most of her life in the military. She has seen some horrible things happen, but on the same note she has seen some incredible feats of human bravery and this background has given her an overall positive impression of humanity. Pam's last mission was a peacekeeping one, in an American neighborhood with a large population of gifted. It was on this mission that she had discovered she was a gifted as well, but it didn't sit well with her commanding officers. She was labeled as a defector. She would have been put down to execution... if they were able to catch her. Currently she is stranded in America away from her native country. She doesn't have a citizenship, but as a gifted she isn't really allowed anyways.