Corusant - Recruitment Continues After the attempt to employ Tellor Hunt had, literally, gone up in flames, Karr decided that a drink was in order... That was three days ago. Although the surface of Corusant boasted some of the best watering holes in the galaxy, Karr walked until he found what could generously be called a hole-in-the-wall. Although compared to the lower level cantinas it was luxurious and relaxing, compared with the other establishments in the area, the place was a dive. Karr settled in and, as long as he kept his tab paid, the establishment didn’t seem to mind that he hadn’t actually left. Karr was busy unraveling the mysteries of the universe, with the assistance of some very strong Correllian brandy, when a familiar face walked in. Nason, Chief Aide to Senator Nalgen, was beginning to act more like a handler than an intermediary. It didn’t take much for Karr to appear disinterested as the man took a seat across from him and looked around. “Well, at least your taste in quality has improved from the last tavern I found you in. You should be careful. If you keep this up, soon you might actually get a haircut and start shaving regularly.” Karr took a long pull from his bottle, he had long since quit bothering with the glass, and looked straight at him. “And perhaps if you had an original thought of your own, the Senator wouldn’t need to keep using you as his personal sock-puppet.” Despite his tone, Karr had actually come to enjoy the verbal sparring with his benefactor. Nason had a keen mind and, if he developed his self-confidence a bit, he could become a quite formidable man in his own right. For a moment Karr had anticipated a retort, but the set of his jaw showed that Nason had bigger issues in mind. Nason held out his hand, and Karr placed the bottle in it. Nason took a long drink and set the bottle on the table. “We may have a problem.” Karr was somewhat surprised. He had never even seen Nason drink before. Even when he had ordered a drink at the cantina during their first meeting, he never actually drank any of it. “Clearly. Just take a deep breath and tell me what happened.” Nason looked at Karr, unsure of how to begin, but, realizing he couldn’t possibly outmaneuver him, decided to simply be blunt. “You know we have our ear to the ground where you are concerned.” “I figured as much.” “Yes, well. During a security investigation in the lower levels, your name came up. A local informant named Paf Vel was found dead, surrounded by mercenary body guards, also dead. It seems that they were killed by a lightsaber. When security investigated his comm device, they discovered that his last call was to the Hiring Hall, presumably where he hired the mercs, and this is when we caught wind of this, it seems that the next to last call was to you.” Karr’s face was placid, but his mind raced. The Sith was making far greater progress than he expected in so short a time. If Paf was dead, then the Sith was on his way to the surface as they spoke. Karr needed more time. More time for his mission, more time to plan, more time to make arrangements. He looked back to his list of names. It seemed that he would have to jump around the list a bit to buy himself the time he needed. “I need you to arrange a ship for immediate departure to Nar Shadaa. It looks like I have an appointment with Malcolm Raynor.”