"Please stop!" Aiden screamed as two men kicked him to the ground. "Get on your knees you dirty bitch", one of the men yelled aggressively. "We should get out of here, I think he's had enough." The other man explained. The first man spit at Aiden in disgust and walk away into an alleyway. Aiden laid groaning and holding his stomach as blood dripped from his nose into his mouth. "Bastards. . ." He said under his breath. Aiden pulled himself together and got up; stumbling along a concrete wall. He walked towards a near by laundry mat to get himself cleaned up. The sun was setting, although it was just barely turning 6:00pm. He walked into the laundry mat and headed towards the restroom. There was no one in there besides a young over weight women, but she paid no attention to Aiden walking through. Aiden went into the restroom, locking the plywood door behind him. He looked at himself in the reflection in the mirror, the blood had dried up already and began to crust. Aiden turned on the faucet and began flushing his face with the ice cold water. He looked at his reflection once more, but instead of blood running down his face, there was tears.