Every time Sebastian came back, he had asked her the same question and every time, Marabelle always refused. So when she didn't outright refuse the offer this time, he allowed himself to hope. "We were going to leave port in about a week's time but if you need more time, we can wait." The past four years had been painful without her and on more than one occasion he thought about retiring early. And yet, every time he thought about turning back, something would stop him. He knew he would go crazy, staying landlocked for too long. ------------- The mystery of Josephine's nightshirt was solved as soon as Jack laid eyes on Elijah. How could he have been so [i]stupid[/i]. It was only a matter of time before the kid stole her away from him. The look on his face only confirmed Jack's suspicions. He stared at him for a good long moment before lowering his mug and narrowing his eyes. "So, I should congratulate you, right? Finally acting like a pirate after all." He set his mug on the table, "What with stealing your crewmate's woman and all."